Log for furryfaire.org by Serin on 7/10/00
The Midnight RP

For convenience, information about the characters can be found here.

Session two can be found here.

Kaelyn nodnods...
Koji is still oblivios, speaking to the air.  "But then what is the point of showing me this..?"
Tiberious says, "This is what I'm seeing miss the aura of magical beings"
Rian cocks his head..
Tiberious says, "Or that one contacting The Little girl over there anyway"
You say, "And of enchantments.  I've got two glows on me right now: mine an' my 'chantment."
Kaelyn eeps and playfully tries to hide her aura, making it look like a woman trying to hide that she's nekkid ^_^
Serin giggles.
Rian pulls up his monacle and begins searching around, looking at Koji...
Koji blinks and looks up, "Don't go... tell me..."
Cyndra covers her eyes a bit, "Some are stronger than others."
Cyndra then looks towards Koji's direction.
Tiberious says, "Eye You get used to it over time"
"There's something shining in front of Koji." Serin shrugs. "It's just a bit of positive energy."
Tiberious  looks back over to Koji
Cyndra winces, "Oh dear...its already gotten ahold of the child." She tries to remain calm, blowing her cool would ruin her lone hunter type image, "Well...are you going to do something?"
Rian settles back and watches.
Tiberious says, "Don't fret if it ment any harm it would have done something by now"
"Are you casting a spell too, ma'am?" Serin says to koji.
Brolly looks around from her table but doesnt join in, to nervous being in a crowd of strange furs.
Tiberious says, "Posably but can Positive energy comunicate?"
You see a very attractive young ferretess, of what one might properly guess at to be 18 or 19 years of age. She seems to nearly always be in perpetual motion causing the silk of her dress to brush upon the air and flow about her lithe form as if they were made of some magic liquid.  She is fairly short, at 5'4", but still very well proportioned.  Her build is athletic but still keeping an ample bust.  She is just plain lucky there. Her body is covered in a silky soft fur coat of varying shades of light brown and white on face and down her front.  For her dress she has only her fur to cover her, but with a few noticeable exceptions.
The first one of these, that you notice, is the swirling waves of silk that flow around her waist as a skirt.  Colored in a bright red that brings out the tones in her fur, her skirt is made of a fine light almost translucent silk that only barely comes down below her modesty when she is still. After the skirt, the only protection she  has left for her luscious treasure is a pair of panties made out only slightly thicker silk fabric.  Her bust is protected with a halter of the same material in a slightly brighter shade with a tint more yellow.  All in all, as she moves the flowing fabric makes her seem like a candle flame in a soft breeze.
BUTTON:This character under construction.
Outside, The winds steadily pick up making it quite windy.
Serin spots a ferret!  "Hey, you.  Why are you almost hiding under the table like that?"
Tiberious  starts to get shaky and sits down near Brolly still watching
... Tiberious, a male Tiger-striped Skunk looked at you ...
Foxtrot shouts "15-30 Minutes to Midnight."  (Wiz-@all-shout)
cast lookall
You cast your senses about.
Brolly looks over to Tiberious and churrs "Are you all right sir?
Kyn'Elwynn fehs at the blatant magical nonesense.
Vex comes in from the street.
Kaelyn shrugs and deciding to not be magical, but blatant walks over and FLUFFS Kyn!
Cyndra frowns, "But...what if it is trying to lure her into doing something? Spirits one of the worst kinds of supernaturals, they lure you into a sence of security and suck your soul dry." She moves over towards the child and tries to shake her to snap her out of it, "Child...don't listen to or don't do anything that spirit says, its evil."
Vex wavies and's OOC.
Vex goes [WIZ] Wizard OnDuty.
Rhys Sits quietly, drinking a bit of beer, keeping to himself as he's quite shy...
Koji is comepletely out of it.  She looks up to the air she's been speaking to, "Why?"
Kyn'Elwynn blinks a few times at the light shift.. "Ferrr.."
Kaelyn hmmmmmmmms an wonners when kyn's gonna notice the fluff'n
Tiberious walks over to Cyndra and tries to pull her away "As I said Don't worry Ma'am there is nothing to fear
Cyndra blinks, "Why? Because, it may do something to you that nobody may find out about before its too late."
Kyn'Elwynn's body begins to bristle with blackened energies.. "I do recomend.. that all those misusing magic or e'en attemptin' minor spells tae stop this instant.."

### The story begins

Foxtrot comes in from the street.
Rian laughs quietly..
Foxtrot bows as he enters.
Kaelyn wavies to foxy ^_^
Koji blinks, shaken out of it.  The kit whines and looks up to Cyndra, "Why did you do that?"
Foxtrot smiles, "Konban-wa."
Cyndra churrs, "Because, you didn't know what it was going to do...you can't trust spirits. "
Serin waves!
Foxtrot raises an eyebrow to Cyndra.  "Pardon?"
Rian chuckles. "Certainly you can."
Foxtrot says, "You can trust spirits to act within their nature."
Kaelyn umms "m'thinks Cyndra banished a spirit...
You say, "Unless they say you should trust them, spirits are pretty trustworthy, I've found."
Koji frowns, wrinkling up her nose at Cyndra, "You should not say what I can and cannot trust."
Cyndra sighs, "They enjoy doing nothing more than tricking naive children into dire situtations." This comming from a young lady who is naive enough to think anything supernatural is bad.
Tiberious says, "As I tried to tell her But noone wants to listen to a mage"
Kyn'Elwynn snarls a bit, grounding his energies. "No one cares tae listen to ye.."
Foxtrot looks at Kyn?  "I take it I've been insulted?"
"That's not true at all!  My Watcher keeps care of me." you say.
Tiberious says, "Gah"
You have called Watcher to you.
Watcher bounds in looking for Serin..
Serin smiles, patting thin air in front of him.
Kyn'Elwynn shakes his head to Foxtrot. "Fools, th'lot of 'em. Best tae ignore the proceedin's."
Rian begins to just laugh quietly and shakes his head...
Tiberious puts his hand back on Cyndras' head and removes the spell
Foxtrot nods, "Hai.  Unless I'm invited in or directly affected."
Foxtrot says, "As it stands, I have more pressing matters.  There's a plague in Anansie."
Cyndra looks around, as all the magic auras fade.
Doro comes in from the street.
Kyn'Elwynn hmms to Foxtrot. "More trouble in th'Hinde lands?"
You say, "What's a ... a playguh?"
Kaelyn blinks... "eh, need a healer t'come 'long?
Doro waves as she strides in.
Tiberious  looks up at FoxTrot "A plague?"
Foxtrot blinks at the sudden responses, and starts from the beginning, going to his favourite pillow by the fireplace.
Cyndra looks to Serin, "Something the lord brings down upon those who deserve it."
Doro murrs softly, "Lord, what lord?"
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "Alright, quiet e'ery one, Foxtrot's gonna speak"
You say, "Oh.  Like when Chi gives me a "talkin' to."  I know that!"
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "Keep yer voices low"
Cyndra sits down, and listens intently.
Tiberious  arches a brow at Cyndra "The only God I worship Is Mana mother of all magic"
Serin claps his hands over his muzzle, clearly listening for the instant.
Tiberious  suts and listens
Brolly churrs and listens intently.
Rhys looks up with interest, too shy to participate in the conversation, but interested nonetheless.
Rian wrinkles his muzzle, watching the room and playing idly with his medallion..
Strider comes in from the street.
Foxtrot says, "From what I have heard, an unnatural storm is brewing in the regions of Anansie.  Along with this is a strange plague, a wasting sickness, which seems to have spread along the tribes of the desert."
Foxtrot says, "This.. sickness.. is unnatural in origin.  An imbalance of sorts."
Rian flicks a glance at Strider..
Mabsant comes in from the street.
Koji blinks and scrambles towards Strider, "Der!  An angel spoke to me..."
Kaelyn nods slowly.... "what all is it affecting?
Doro hmms....
Rhys has disconnected.
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "Hush.. I'm sure if we are patient, he'll explain all he can"
Tiberious listens
Mabsant walks in, humming wuietly.
Cyndra mutters, "The wandernig heathens probably brought it down on themselves.." and folds her arms.
Mabsant says, "Explain what?"
Strider blinks, scooping the young lutrai up in his arms, "Really now...?"  He blinks and turns his head to listen to Foxtrot's news as well, tilting an ear curiously.
Foxtrot thinks, "So far, it is affecting the inhabitants of the oasis, and the wandering nomads only, and some of their animals.  It has not hit Anansie itself, however.  The problem is, if a cure is not found, it may move north, and wipe out the Shirelands or even Drachenkeep."
Brolly churrs worried and shivers as she continues to listen.
Mabsant says, "Oh my."
Kaelyn nods slowly...
Tiberious  moves over to Brolly
Mabsant edges closer to the conversation, looking concerned.
Strider flicks an ear, "Well that certainly isn't... good."
"They got sick?" you say, " When are they gonna get better?"
Koji crawls down from Strider, heading off.
Doro murrs softly, "Not at all, and does need to be investigated."
Koji heads out into the street.
Seraphim heads out into the street.
Rian hrrrrrrs..
Seraphim comes in from the street.
Foxtrot sighs to Serin.  "It's fatal."
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "Hush! Feh, scattered like children are yer voices."
Rian raises a paw..
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "Foxtrot-san, please."
Tiberious  smiles slightly at Brolly
Foxtrot looks at Rian?
Serin shivers.  He knows what fatal is.
Mabsant raises a paw, his index finger extended, waiting his turn to speak.
Tiberious wonders If the usual remedies were tried
Rian softly murrs, "Milord...this sounds like the Undead Plague which was a danger to the far North last year. What the Watch did combat and name the 'Storm War'."
Brolly heads out into the street.
Foxtrot nods, "I have heard of similar, and I had wondered if this was the same thing, but it appears not.  I... sense.. mahou to it... of a sort."
Doro makes a face.
### The Red Wizard appears and says, "Time Stop spell in 2 minutes!" ###
Outside, The sun begins to set in the west creating a beautiful scene of light and colour that stretches across the sky.
You say, "Has it... has it reached the Gypsy camp yet?"
Foxtrot shakes his head.  "No, it has not."
Rhys is carried off by Bruno, the bouncer.  Bruno returns shortly and smiles.
Rian hrrrrs. "Could it then be a similar, yet lesser sort of thing we face? Last it was a large demonic being of some necromantic variety."
Serin sighs in relief.  "Well, then I bet 'doon is okay."
Foxtrot says, "Unknown.  Normally, I could not be involved, but since it is a threat to my domain, I am allowed to take action.  I am hoping I do not have to go alone, however."
Rian hmms. "Should we quarentine the Shirelands, milord?"

### Furrs rise to the challenge, and our fearless leader is... late as usual.

Kaelyn wickers softly, "I'll go ^_^"
### The Red Wizard casts the spell of Time Stop. ###
### The Time Stop spell fizzles. ###
Doro murrs softly, "I'll go with you, Foxtrot."
Kyn'Elwynn looks to Mabsant then calls out. "Can we quiet for a moment?"
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "M'lord 'ere wishes tae speak."
You say, "It seems I have trained well.  I need to help."
Foxtrot nods to Mabsant.
Mabsant says, "I am a healer, an alchemist, and something of a doctor... the situation rather interests me, as all matters of health do. I would like to volunteer to investigate, and hopefully find a cure."
Foxtrot nods to Mabsant.  "Welcome."
Strider frowns, "That's getting pretty near the slums... can't have Koji getting dead on me..."  He looks up, arms folding over his chest, "I'd be delighted to join you.  At the very least I can be the comic relief."
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "Foxtrot-san, are ye gatheirn' up good furs tae march straight intae th'heart of a fatal plague risdden area in th'vain hopes of seeking a cure while exposin' those who go tae this disease?"
"(If Strider's the comic relief, I'd hate to see the dramatic hero.)," you say.
Cyndra heads out of the tavern.
Lairu comes in from the street.
Rian chuckles and nods. "I was going to say that.."
Foxtrot hmms?  "No.  Hopefully, we will be heading to Anansie proper, to see what they will know on this, and perhaps find the source.  This is not something natureal."
Tiberious stands I too would join you
Lairu tosses his cloak over one shoulder.
Rian hrrrs. "And speaking of lost causes...good morrow, Lairu.."
Foxtrot chuckles.
You say, "I learned mostly soul-healing.  Is there any holy people here who would come to help?  They have good uncurses."
Cyndra is walking out towards the exit of the tavern.
Lairu says softly, "I might fit that bill."
Foxtrot looks at Cyndra on her way, curious.
cast lookall
You cast your senses about.
Strider flicks an ear and hmphs, "Then I'll have to settle for the good looking moody furson."
Kaelyn shrugs "I'm a priest of sorts I guess @.@
Serin . o O ( Smile fo' de camera!  *snap* ) <== I tooked a group photo.  ^.^
Tiberious says, "My staff Is enchanted to heal when i call"
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "She called 'em heathens an' seems tae care not fer th'plagues in Anansie, Foxtrot-san."
Doro murrs softly, "Let her be then."
Mabsant has connected.
Serin laughs!  "Kaelyn? You a priest?!  Hee hee.  An' I'm a brawny warrior!"
Foxtrot nods to Kyn.  "I would guess I count as heathen."
Kyn'Elwynn chuckles. "As woul' I."
Mabsant says, "We're all heathens, depending on whose viewpoint you take."
Kaelyn smirks "I said of sorts... I be a druidess of Mana ^_^
Doro murrs softly, "A heathen is really anyone who doesn't follow a certain god, from the follower's viewpoint."
Strider chuckles, "Why, I admit to be a heathen and a half."
Rian chuckles. "Heathen: dweller in the heather. Aye, I have done so, on occasion."
Cyndra heads out into the street.
You say, "I believe in God an' spirits an' magic an' gods... does that make me a heathen?"
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "Gentlefurs, if we can retain a serious air. Furs are dyin' an' Foxtrot-san is calling us tae aid."
Mabsant has disconnected.
Seraphim heads out into the street.
Tiberious says, "AND I have answered I will help"
Rian softly murrs, "Most furs here have."
Mabsant says, "As have i."
Doro murrs softly, "Sir, some folks use levity to as not be overcome with depression because of serious affairs."
Serin frowns.  "You're right, Mr. Tiger.  We gotta get ser'yus."
Foxtrot looks at Lairu.  "You are joining us?"
Lairu says softly, "And how."
Strider nods to Kyn'Elwynn, "We all have offered some sort of aid.  I just prefer to take things on with an optimistic mind."
Doro murrs softly, "Well, Foxtrot-san, when are you wishing to head out?"
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "'Tis a somber mood indeed, jokes arenae needed at this point, let the humor be good when we've got a cure."
Rian winces. "There goes the neighborhood.."
Foxtrot hmms.  "Well, from what I can gather, we first stop at Hawk's Freehold, and speak with them.  Their rangers can make a roadblock.  If I recall, they have a druid, who would be good at examining people travelling from the south."
"Well, unless somehow laughter is the best medicine.  Then we shouldn't be serious." Serin says seriously.
Mabsant tilts his head. "Druids? are they not scholars, not healers?"
Rian hrrrs. "Milord, you did not answer, or I missed it. Should we quarantine the Shirelands?"
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "Ye've a good plan, Foxtrot-san. Might I be of aid?"
Tiberious says, "Then LEt us make haste Time is of the essence"
Foxtrot says, "Rian, not yet."
Foxtrot says, "Kyn-san.  Of course, you are welcome."
"The longer we wait, the sicker people get.  An' then they die." you say.
Mabsant says, "A quarantine won't work--every english schoolboy knows most diseases are carried in either the air or groundwater."
Rian softly murrs, "Aye, milord. I am assuming that the other PeaceKeepers should be made aware?"
Lairu sits down by a window and leans back, vaguely meditative.
Kyn'Elwynn sighs softly, "Though I admit, my charge lies further north, with drachen and th'ports of Nyctha.. but should this plague spread, I fear for their lvies as well as that of my student, Jezable.
Foxtrot nods, "Hai, inform the Peacekeepers, we should be heading out soon.  I am merely waiting for my daimyo."
Rian bristles a bit at something..
Rian softly murrs, "Aye, milord."
You say, "I dunno 'bout english, but as a schoolboy I can say that sometimes demons carry the disease.  Sometimes people, or nonsens."
Rian softly murrs, "Bad humors, and the like."
Lairu quietly sharpens up his sword.
Strider hrms, looking himself over, "Do I need anything now?  Got the daggers... got the clothes..."  He peers into his belt pouch, "And the whiskey.  Good."  He looks up.
Rian hrrrs. "You aren't likely to kill the diseases with that, Lairu..."
Tiberious  picks his Crystal Staff up and waits by the bar
Outside, The winds die down a bit but remain gusty.
Mabsant checks his pouches... "I will need to pick up raw materials before we leave, milord. i cannot produce potions with sand.
Kyn'Elwynn pads towards Mabsant. "What do ye need?"
Mabsant says, "er... Let's see. Snakeskins, salamander skins, ground stones of various sorts, crystals, compounds..."
Mabsant says, "...mercury and Cinnibar... Silver, iron, and lead... copper..."
Strider looks over to Mabsant, "Regular slum stew."
Kyn'Elwynn nods. "Let me see.." he reaches into the shadows of his robes, producing skins of said animals, as well as bulging pouches.
You say, "Hmm.  I need to get my tiddly-winks."
Jade enters, with Mika walking along next to her.
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "Shall this be enough, sir?"
Mabsant blinks. "Good heavens, sir."
Mabsant says, "Yes, absolutely..."
Foxtrot blinks, and bows to Jade and Mika.
Kyn'Elwynn hands them over.
Tiberious  takes his Tome out and Studies for a few minutes
Anya comes in from the street.
Mabsant takes them, gratefully, and puts them in his satchel.
Mika chuckles and fuzzles Foxy while he's bowing.
Foxtrot comes over and smiles, hugging Jade.
Foxtrot eeps?
Kyn'Elwynn draws back his hood, "Let it nae be said th'Shadow Mage is ill-equipped."
Shizouka comes in from the street.
Jade snugs Foxy back, murring quietly.
Kyn'Elwynn nods to Mika and Jade.
Lairu smiles at Mika, over the tip of his longsword, "Hey there. It looks like there's something stirring."
Shizouka walks in and waves her tail to her friends!
Anya bows her head somewhat as she enters, smiling softly..quietly she moves to one of the chairs and sits, looking in need of the rest here.
Mika ooos. "Armed and everything. Must be serious. What's up?"
Strider flicks an ear, "Well now... we have an army all ready to fight the horrid plauge."
Rian waves at Shizouka, bows to Mika and pardons himself.
Rian heads out into the street.
Lairu motions Mika over, and sheathes his weapon, "I'm not sure, really. I just got here."
Foxtrot nods, "A plague in the region of Anansie, that we are trying to find the source of, then stop."
You say, "I hope the tavern doesn't burst at the seams."
Foxtrot nods.
Shizouka blinkles.
Mika chuckles. "A plague. Of course. Those are _never_ natural, after all," she murmurs, padding over and scritching Lairu's ears.

### And off we go holding hands.  ^.^

Vex offers to take Foxtrot by the hand with her.
Vex offers to take Mabsant by the hand with her.
Vex offers to take Doro by the hand with her.
Doro takes Vex by the hand.
Foxtrot takes Vex by the hand.
Vex offers to take Tiberious by the hand with her.
Lairu snugs Mika around the waist and gently pulls her into his lap, murmuring softly.
Tiberious takes Vex by the hand.
Mabsant takes Vex by the hand.
Vex offers to take Mika by the hand with her.
Vex offers to take Kyn'Elwynn by the hand with her.
Vex offers to take Jade by the hand with her.
Kyn'Elwynn takes Vex by the hand.
Jade takes Vex by the hand.
Mika takes Vex by the hand.
Vex offers to take Shizouka by the hand with her.
Shizouka takes Vex by the hand.
"Oh," you say, "can I come?"
Shizouka rubs her cheek with a finger.  ^o.o^
Vex offers to take Lairu by the hand with her.
Vex offers to take you around by the hand.  ("Hopon Vex" to accept.)
Lairu takes Vex by the hand.
You take Vex's hand firmly in yours.
Sylia stumbles out of the common sleeping room.
Strider waits for a hand... a tail... anything?
Vex offers to take Strider by the hand with her.
Strider takes Vex by the hand.
Iryotah comes in from the street.
Iryotah flicks in.
Watcher  runs off and returns with a brown bag handed to Serin.
You say, "Thank you.  I almost forgot."
Shizouka oohs... crowd.
Shizouka smiles.
Khett comes in from the street.
Khett pauses in surprise at the number of furs in the tavern.
Kylia stumbles out of the common sleeping room.
Foxtrot looks around.  "Then we had best be going now."  He offers Jade his hand.
Foxtrot offers to let Jade walk along with him.
Iryotah pauses and flicks out again; Almost too scary for a slow one here :P
Iryotah goes home.
Jade decides to walk along with Foxtrot.
Khett heads over to a table near a window.
Vex heads out into the street.
Foxtrot leaves, with Jade walking along with him.
Vex takes you along with her, holding your hand.
South of Furryshire Town Square
Careful not to find a soft spot, you stand in the middle of a muddy road, recent rains having left the road soggy, wagons passing through leaving deep ruts in the dirt.  Just to the east, you can see the peaked rooftop and keg-shaped sign of the Furryshire Tavern.  Even as you watch various furries turn and head in that direction, anxious to dry their clothes in the warm dry tavern.
Looking around, the skies showing their pretty sunset colors as the day fades into evening.  To the north you see the outlines of the Furryshire Town Square.  It's a busy place, thronging with furries of all walks and stations of life.  Further to the south are a few additional shops.  The road travels further south, into the main village of Furryshire.  Another less traveled road leads to the west to Westpike.
Obvious Exits: Ye Olde FurryShire Tavern (E), FurryShire Town Square (N),
               South Road (S), Sky over Tavern (U), West Pike (W)
Furries: [IC] Serin
         [IC] Lairu
         [IIC] Shizouka
         [IC] Kyn'Elwynn
         [IC] Mika
         [IIC] Tiberious
         [IIC] Doro
         [IC] Mabsant
         [IIC] Jade
         [WIZ] Foxtrot
         [WIZ] Vex
         [i6m] Seraphim
         [i7m] Cyndra

South of Furryshire Town Square
from Ye Olde Furryshire Tavern
Watcher bounds in looking for Serin..
Kaelyn comes out of Ye Olde FurryFaire Tavern.
Vex offers to take Kaelyn by the hand with her.
Kaelyn takes Vex by the hand.
Seraphim waves oocly

Vex meanders south along the road.
Foxtrot leaves, with Jade walking along with him.
Vex takes you along with her, holding your hand.
South Road
The soggy muddy road of Furryshire runs north and south here.  Looking north, you can see the Furryshire Tavern, furries coming and going all the time.  Looking south you see the main village of Furryshire, where most of the populace lives.  Looking around, you notice the skies showing their pretty sunset colors as the day fades into evening.
Obvious Exits: East into S'hard Nox (E), Towards FurryShire Town Square (N),
               South Road (S), Solar Temple (T)
Furries: [IC] Serin
         [IC] Lairu
         [IIC] Shizouka
         [IC] Kyn'Elwynn
         [IC] Mika
         [IIC] Tiberious
         [IIC] Doro
         [IC] Mabsant
         [IIC] Jade
         [WIZ] Foxtrot
         [WIZ] Vex

South Road
from South of Furryshire Town Square
Watcher bounds in looking for Serin..
You found a gold piece!
Vex heads south along the road.
Foxtrot leaves, with Jade walking along with him.
Vex takes you along with her, holding your hand.
South Road
The soggy muddy road of Furryshire runs north and south here.  Small huts and cottages are noticed, spaced well apart along the road, their rooftops dripping water from the recent rains.  Around you, the skies showing their pretty sunset colors as the day fades into evening, and you notice the large Furryshire Tavern is up the road to the north. Paths run to the northeast and southwest, leading to various destinations.  Directly to the east, a large, rather institutional looking building stands, housing the Furryshire School of Role-Playing.
Obvious Exits: East into Furryshire School of Role-Playing (E),
               Towards FurryShire (N), Along a Path (NE), South Road (S),
               SouthWest Towards the Rath (SW)
Furries: [IC] Serin
         [IC] Lairu
         [IIC] Shizouka
         [IC] Kyn'Elwynn
         [IC] Mika
         [IIC] Tiberious
         [IIC] Doro
         [IC] Mabsant
         [IIC] Jade
         [WIZ] Foxtrot
         [WIZ] Vex

South Road
from South Road
Watcher bounds in looking for Serin..
Vex walks off to the south.
Foxtrot leaves, with Jade walking along with him.
Vex takes you along with her, holding your hand.
South Road, near Furryshire
The road here is muddy from recent rains, not as heavily used as the roads closer to Furryshire, a slight running water noise is heard to the south.  The area around here is part of the Furryshire village, a few hovels and huts are seen off to the sides of the road, their roofs dripping with the recent rains.  A few trees, lush and full are noticed as the forest thins to a green meadow.  You notice the skies showing their pretty sunset colors as the day fades into evening.  The road continues north and south.
Obvious Exits: Towards FurryShire (N), South Road (S)
Furries: [IC] Serin
         [IC] Lairu
         [IIC] Shizouka
         [IC] Kyn'Elwynn
         [IC] Mika
         [IIC] Tiberious
         [IIC] Doro
         [IC] Mabsant
         [IIC] Jade
         [WIZ] Foxtrot
         [WIZ] Vex

South Road, near Furryshire
from South Road
Watcher bounds in looking for Serin..
Vex walks off to the south.
Foxtrot leaves, with Jade walking along with him.
Vex takes you along with her, holding your hand.
South Road, outside Furryshire
The road continues north/south, a large wooden bridge is seen to the south,
and village of Furryshire is noticeable to the north.  The tall grasses here
flow gently as the wind blows softly.  An occasional tree is noticed.  A large
sign is planted in the road, just before the bridge.
     Another road leads northeastward, into the nearby forests.
Obvious Exits: Eastern Riverbank (E), Towards FurryShire (N),
               Springdale Road (NE), Towards River Lull (S),
               Western Riverbank (W)
Furries: [IC] Serin
         [IC] Lairu
         [IIC] Shizouka
         [IC] Kyn'Elwynn
         [IC] Mika
         [IIC] Tiberious
         [IIC] Doro
         [IC] Mabsant
         [IIC] Jade
         [WIZ] Foxtrot
         [WIZ] Vex
Things: little stone bird

South Road, outside Furryshire
from South Road, near Furryshire
Watcher bounds in looking for Serin..
Vex walks off to the south.
Foxtrot leaves, with Jade walking along with him.
Vex takes you along with her, holding your hand.
Bridge over the River Lull, north end

You stand upon a great wooden bridge, spanning the wide banks of the river
Lull.  The waters of the river are clear and fresh, as the river flows quickly
towards its salty destination, far to the east.  The bridge is ancient,
constructed many years ago, but, is still in fairly good condition, wide
enough to allow wagon passage, strong enough to hold several.  To the north,
is the road, leading to Furryshire.  To the south, an unknown land lies before
Obvious Exits: Towards FurryShire (N), Path to Hawk's Freehold (PA),
               South End of River Lull (S)
Furries: [IC] Serin
         [IC] Lairu
         [IIC] Shizouka
         [IC] Kyn'Elwynn
         [IC] Mika
         [IIC] Tiberious
         [IIC] Doro
         [IC] Mabsant
         [IIC] Jade
         [WIZ] Foxtrot
         [WIZ] Vex

Bridge over the River Lull, north end
from South Road, outside Furryshire
Watcher bounds in looking for Serin..
Vex walks along the path, towards Hawk's.
Foxtrot leaves, with Jade walking along with him.
Vex takes you along with her, holding your hand.
Hawk's Freehold

You walk through the gate and see a large expanse of land at the
river's edge. TO the south you see a large emerald green paddock
bordering the river with low banks to grab a drink of the sweet water
when the mood strikes. In the paddock you see a few low hillocks to add
challenge to running, and the grass looks delicious to an herbivore. On
the other side of the path you see a few fields with corn and wheat and
other food that looks good to an equine. At the end of the path, in the
middle distance you see a low, sprawling building and during the day,
you can hear the chiming of a blacksmith's hammer. The building is next
to a huge, ancient, spreading oak tree that provides shade for the
house most of the day and all of the year.
Obvious Exits: Bridge (B), Path to Hawk's Freehold (PATH), Vagnus' Smithy (VS)
Furries: [IC] Serin
         [IC] Lairu
         [IIC] Shizouka
         [IC] Kyn'Elwynn
         [IC] Mika
         [IIC] Tiberious
         [IIC] Doro
         [IC] Mabsant
         [IIC] Jade
         [WIZ] Foxtrot
         [WIZ] Vex

Hawk's Freehold
from Bridge over the River Lull, north end

### We've entered a secret stronghold!

Watcher bounds in looking for Serin..
You say, "The forest.  And then the desert."
Foxtrot leaves, with Jade walking along with him.
Vex takes you along with her, holding your hand.
Path to Hawk's House and Smithy
You walk down the path and see a sprawling house and a small smithy
under a huge oak tree. The house looks smaller than it really is. You
hear the whuffing of a bellows and the chiming of a blacksmith's hammer
wafting toward you and see a light pall of smoke coming from the
Obvious Exits: (Ga)te to bridge, (S)mithy Building, (Do)or to house
Furries: [IC] Serin
         [IC] Lairu
         [IIC] Shizouka
         [IC] Kyn'Elwynn
         [IC] Mika
         [IIC] Tiberious
         [IIC] Doro
         [IC] Mabsant
         [IIC] Jade
         [WIZ] Foxtrot
         [WIZ] Vex

Path to Hawk's House and Smithy
from Hawk's Freehold
Watcher bounds in looking for Serin..
You found a gold piece!
You say, "Wow.  I wonder what this place is."
As you approach Hawk's Freehold, you see they have built a wooden wall now, closing in the area.  Two rangers step out of the woods, before the wall is even fully in sight.  "Halt."
Mabsant looks around quietly.
Mabsant halts.
Kyn'Elwynn rumbles, "Th'smithy. Where they make items from metalss."
Tiberious looks around obeying the guard
Foxtrot asks, "Metalsss?  Like my pressssiousssss?"
str /spell/list/desc:{listprops:spell,me}
str /spell/list/odesc:{name:me} reviews his spells.
2 properties listed.
Jade chuckles and tailswats Foxy.
Serin hides behind Tiberious.
Foxtrot coughs, then bows, "Good evening.  Is the Lord of this freehold awake?"
Kaelyn oy's atta foxtrot...
One of the rangers looks the group over, "I recall some of you, what brings you into this area?"
Property removed.
Foxtrot looks back over his shoulder, then to the ranger.  "We are here on urgent business, on the way to Anansie, and wish to speak with Lord Hawk about possible assistance."
Shizouka has connected.
Shizouka has disconnected.
Shizouka eeps.
Mabsant says, "Yes... it would be greatly appreciated."
The ranger looks at the large group, "You have brought a rather large gathering with you."
Mika grins. "What, afraid we're some sort of invasion force?"
"We're gonna help make the sick well.  Eep!" Serin ducks back again.
A couple of small, plump hamsters and a wolven ranger pass by, following a long-moustashed rat in grey robes.
Shizouka peeks around from behind a few furs...
Strider has disconnected.
The ranger nods.  "Very well.  Lord Hawk is awake, I will send a runner to inform him of your company.  May I have a name for your group?"
Tiberious  looks at Serin "Will you come out of there I doubt there is any reason to hide"
Kyn'Elwynn flicks his ears, watching the rat.
"Oh really?  Ok." Serin walks blithely out smiling up at the ranger's sword
Kaelyn umms "the great big group from the shire?
Doro remains quiet and observant, glancing back and forth among the crowd.
Foxtrot blinks, and looks back a moment.  After a pause, he turns to the ranger.  "Umm... The Fellowship."
Kaelyn wickers softly, "or better yet! It's THEM again ^_^"
Kyn'Elwynn rubs his brow a bit.
Tiberious  sighs
Jade smirks slightly, tails swaying lazily behind her.
The ranger nods, and sends a runner off.  You hadn't spotted him in the woods, but the cheetah races off to the fort.  The ranger smiles, "Follow him."
Foxtrot nods, and heads after the cheetah.
Serin follows.
Lairu whistles softly, cranking up his arbalest.
Shizouka takes a little tiny silver pin and starts popping thought bubbles!
Kyn'Elwynn pads after the runner as instructed.
The fortress gates open as you approach, and you see some rangers working with bows and swords inside, training and practicing as you approach the common yard.  There is a stable to the centre, the large house to one side, almost a keep.
Tiberious says, "Hmmm nice living Quarters"
Mabsant looks around with interest, knowing that this is an exclucive place where few outsiders can enter.
Kaelyn oooohs... .  o O (bows)
Shizouka leans over towards Jade, "Um.. so whats going on?"
Serin oohs, and hops over to fawn at the swordpractice, pokes his head in the stable and comes out covered in straw, and inspects the large house for interesting places to crawl in.   Then returns back to the group.
Herne approaches the group, coming from the keep.  Herne is a tall, middle-aged deer wearing brown and green robes, with a golden sickle at his waist.
Kyn'Elwynn bows respectfully.
Tiberious  bows
Mabsant's brain clicks. druid. but shouldn't a druid's sickle be silver?
Herne bows in return.  "Greetings, Fellowship."
Jade scratches her head and shrugs. "There's a plague in Anansie and...um... we're going to fix it? I don't really understand myself," she says quietly to Shizouka.
Mabsant bows.
Lairu smiles at Mika, cranking done at last, "I think this may be one of the first times my disease warding  might come in handy."
Shizouka blinks rather cluelessly at Jade.. "............oh."
Foxtrot bows to Herne, "Greetings."
You say, "There was one here named "Hawk" who was supposed to be able to help."
Kaelyn smiles "greet'ns
The druid and Foxtrot share sharp glances for a moment, then Herne nods to Serin.  "He is inside.  Please allow him some time to prepare for this unexpected gather."
Tiberious  looks at Serin "Please be Quiet and Respectful."
Mika grins at Lairu, murmuring, "Knew there was some reason to be a paladin."
Serin O.O and hides behind Tiberious.
Mabsant laments, in response to lairu's comment, "And the first time i will lament my lack thereof..
Kyn'Elwynn nods a bit.
Kaelyn blinks and grins a lil, b'fore asking Herne "how's th'forest?
Shizouka folds her paws behind her back and looks around for something needing some mischeif.
Tiberious looks At Lairu "If this desease is as powerful as I have heard you might not be able to with stand it
Herne looks back over his shoulder.  "Fairly well.  We had some difficulties with a region within Anaitha.  Something's been attacking the wards near this lost altar."
Foxtrot grins at Jade.
Lairu checks his arbalest again and slings it over his shoulders, "We'll have to see what happens."
Mika notes quietly, "If it hits the paladin, most of this group is committing suicide."
Tiberious says, "Aye we will"
Lairu says softly, "I have faith in Kij...she's always seen me through."
Foxtrot fuzzles Jade.
Serin hopes it wasn't an altar to Valorik, but doesn't say anything.
Kaelyn nods slowly "erf... any idea what th'someth'n might be?
Mabsant Sighs quietly.
Mabsant perks... "something attacking a lost altar? I see. tell us more?
Herne looks over his shoulder, and sees the cook heading towards his kitchen, then motions you to follow.  "Some group of figures, they say they follow someone named 'Beryn', and wish to examine the gateway there.  We're trying to keep the wards up."
Mika blinks, ears going back.
Foxtrot follows Herne, frowning.  "Isn't that where 'Pan' was?"
Doro tilts her head and listens attentively.
Tiberious  listens
Mabsant says, "Pan? The god of the remans, the satyr?"
Kaelyn nods, then grins as she waves to the cook "HI! Remember me?" she yells trying to catch the cook's attention
You say, "Isn't *where* where Pan was?"
Shizouka blinks a little bit.. she looks slightly bored.
"Was.  If I recall, however, that realm's been sealed in some manner."  Herne heads to the keep, and the cook glances at Kaelyn, giving a cry of anguish at seeing