This story was written as part of a trade with Studio Soronada ( I hope you all enjoy it! Club Nights By Rose de Stitches E-Mail: The lights of the club flickered and shone thru the haze of the fog. All around the dance floor, furs danced to the loud thumps of Lords of Acid as they strove to forget their problems with a few moments of bliss. In the center of the dance floor, an elephant femme arched her body in a rythmic motion to the sound system. Her long green-tinted hair flowed free tonight, it's silky strands waving about her face as a smile appeared on her mouth. Her trunk held a glow stick as it spun an twirled the glowing rod in the darkened area to create an interesting effect that made her grey face glow with a neon pink light. Her upper body was clothed in a spandex pink halter top; it's thin material squeezing against her breasts to show every curve as her bared shoulders and arms moved with the music freely. Slight goosebumps trickled up the elephant's arm from the cool air conditioning, yet the body heat she was building from her frenzied dancing caused her body to also become beaded with sweat. Around her waist was a black mini skirt that barely reached her knees. With each twirl, kick, and step, the thin material flipped up to expose her tight cotton white panties. Her muscular legs slid down to the pink high heel shoes she wore on her feet. As the song ended, she finally leaves the dance floor; swimming thru the furs until she finally reaches the bar. Gasping for breath in the crowd as she's pressed tight against the wooden bar; her breasts bouncing slightly against their tight bond as she raps the bar with her right kand's knuckles. "One Coke, please!" she yells out, her normally soft voice having to be stressed even more to be heard over the noise of the bar. The bunny fem behind the bar nodded and fixed the drink quickly and set in front of the elephant on a coaster. "One Dollar..." came the chipper voice of the bunny as she smiled; her right ear drooping slightly as she waited. The elephant reached into her shirt to pull out some money from her 'secret' hiding spot. But, as she pulled the roll of bills out from between her breasts, a leopard's paw held a five-dollar bill out to the bunny. "Keep the change..." came a feminine rumbling to the right of the elephant as the grey femme felt a hand rest on her rump almost possesively. Knowing who it was, she smiles and slips her maney back into her shirt as she hears the voice continue, "You looked good on the dance floor tonight, Bota..." Bota turned her head slightly and gave a kiss to the leopard girl next to her. "Mable..." she sighed as she pressed her bottom into the paw a bit more. "How are you tonight?" The leopardress Mable was dressed in a spandex outfit that left almost nothing to the imagination. It was a white ensemble: sports bra and bicycle shorts. On her shirt was in bold black letters, 'Just Did It', and on her head was, as allways, her red baseball cap on backwards. Her tail sways behind her in a teasing dance as she smiles back at the elephant. "I'm purr-r-r-r-rfect..." she rummbles out as her paw starts to massage Bota's rump a bit more. Bota gasps at the feeling and lets out a soft moan; her hands clenching the metal rod running the length of the bar as she shakes her head. "Not here..." she gasps out. "There's too many people..." Mable chuckles as she lifts the back of the elephant's skirt with a smile. "They won't see..." she rumbles out as her left paw slips under the thin cotton panties to massage a digit against Bota's tail hole. She leans forward and whispers into Bota's right ear huskily, "Besides, you know you want it..." before nibbling gently on the large ear. Bota lets out a sensitive moan as her sensitive tail hole is massaged. Her grey face gets a light pink blush as she nods slowly. "Yes..." she all but whispered out as a shudder trills thru her body like a rippling of water as she feels her sensitive ear nibbled by the leopard. Mable smiles as she licks her way down the elephant's neck before giving Bota a kiss on her right shoulder; the leopard's muzzle sucking on the grey flesh as she bites gently; marking Bota as hers. While she does this, her free paw reaches up to the bar and picks a cube of ice from Bota's coke and slips it back around and into her left paw. She then positions the ice cube so that it's cold hardness is resting on her tail hole; the heat from her aroused body causing the ice to melt as Mable eases the ice slowly in and out to moisten this area. Bota cries out in shocked pleasure; her body pushing back more into the probing coldness as she trills out happily, her breasts knocking forward as she lies her upper body on the bar. Her body continues to shudder and squirm with pleasure as she spreads her legs slightly to give her friend better access. Her hands clench and unclench as she feels the loapardress tease her more. Mable rubs the growing bulge in the front of her spandex shorts as she growls slightly into Bota's neck before finally pulling her head back. on the elephant's right shoulder is a red hickey framed by the grey skin. She smiles and flicks out her claws. With an expert touch, she slices off Bota's panties, the shreds of white cotton flittering to the floor and leaving Bota bare under her skirt. Bota gasps and looks back worriedly as she feels her hardness start to grow now that the cotton panties arn't restraining it. "Mable..." she says, but eeks as she feels the leopardress' paw come doww sharply on her left bottom cheek. "Silence..." mable rumbles out as she pulls her shorts down to expose her two-foot shaft. "You are now my property, Bota... You are mine to use as I wish, and I want you now..." With that, Mable presses her shaft against the moistened tail hole of the elephant. Bota shakes her head as she feels Mable's paws grip her waist and the large shaft press against her hole, but her protests soon turn into a long moan of pleasure as the leopardress thrusts herself fully into Bota's tail hile until her scrotum slaps against the elephant's own. Bota's shaft soon reached it's full length and bounced slightly in the air as she felt Mable start to thrust into her. Mable smiled as she continued to plow deep into her friend. "You like this, don't you..." she growled out before sitting back onto a bar stool; Bota still impaled on her shaft as the elephant's own massive length stood up in the air. The leopard pressed on the back of Bota's head and says in a rough tone, "Pleasure yourself off as I use you... I want you to put on a good show for the bar, my pet." Bota nods with tears raising her eyes as she could see other furs in the bar turning to watch her being used like this; yet deep in her heart she also felt a thrill of pleasure from it. She bounced on the massive shaft as she reached her trunk down to begin masrtrubating her length, hissing in pleasure as her grey skin shaded a deeper red out of embarrassment at being seen in this way. The leopardress growls in pleasure; her muzzle receeding to show her fangs as she bounces the elephant on her large shaft. "Take it!" she growls out again. "You want to feel me shoot off in you, don't you?" Bota nods as her long trunk continues to slide up and down her own length; each stroke quicker than the last. She screams out, "YES! Please, shoot off deep inside me, Mable!" The elephant panted harder, her breasts bouncing in time with the painful thrusts deep into her rectum as she neared her own climax. Mable speeds up the thrusts; each one accentuated by a small growl until finally she throws her head back and roars loudly; her shaft burying itself to the hilt inside Bota's tail hole as her long, throbbing shaft erupts deep inside the bowels of the elephant; coating Bota's inner walls with gobs of thick, creamy juices as the leopard clutches onto her for support. Bota lets out a lout trumpet of her own as the erupting shaft inside her triggers her own orgasm. From her large shaft; ropes of semen shoot out and soak her face for a good minute as she opens her mouth to swallow some of her own cum. As she finishes her own orgasm, she looks up to find the club applauding her and mable's impromptu show. She tries to hide her cum-stained face, yet mable's paw stops her. "No, my pet..." the leopardress begins as she smiles again. "Accept your praise..." Mable looks around the club and smiles. "I want to thank you all for watching me pleasure my pet..." She grins and raps the bar. "Why don't you all buy some drinks and enjoy yourselves..." The applause slowly dies down and is replaced by the sounds of furs buying drinks and flirting again; leaving the sweaty pair to clean themselves up in private. --- That night, after the club had closed, Bota sighed as she stepped out from the shower, feeling refreshed. Mable was drying herself off as she smiled at the elephant. "Not a bad job, eh?" the leopard rumbled out as she wrapped the towel about her moist body. "Yeah..." Bota answered as she reached for a towel herself. "To think we get payed a hundred dollars apiece just to have sex at the bar every night... It's great!" Bota laughed and leaned forward, gently kissing her friend's left cheek. "Just next time, -I- get to be the dominant one..." Mable waved it off and answered, "Yeah, yeah... Just no nipple clamps this time!" Mable rubbed her hairless nipples and frowns. "That last time really hurt!" Bota just smiled slightly and looked away. "We'll see..." she said as she went back to drying herself. "We'll see, Mable... We'll see..."