



Manhattan Extra-dry is a story I wrote in my late teens, and one of the very few stories from that time that I actually felt was worth saving. The story was written, as I recall, as an entry for a newspaper contest. The contest, (seriously!), required all stories to begin with that famous, trite line: “It was a dark and stormy night…”


I didn’t know if the newspaper contest people were serious, or not. I mean, did they seriously think that stories should begin with that old line? Or was that supposed to be a joke? I ended up writing two stories for that contest, and submitting both… one serious: MANHATTAN EXTRA-DRY, and one tongue-in-cheekFROM THE FILES OF DICK MUSHPIE-CIA. “From the Files…” started out pretty good, but I lost my muse somewhere about halfway through it, and it just sort of petered out to a muddied finish, so I won’t bother posting it to my archive here, or anywhere else for that matter. I’m not THAT desperate! LOL!


I hope you, whomever you are, enjoy reading this old story, and please, don’t hesitate to provide feedback… you know us authors love to receive it!


Thanks for reading!


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