
Gregg G Guydish


A Story in Three Parts


Story Description


The Circular Object MARK II is a story that was originally inspired by a very minor event that was mentioned in passing by Chris Yost in his story Sabrina The Story. The original concept was to write a story about that scene and that scene only but I was unable to pin down the events that transpired around that event enough to write what I wanted. That turned out to be a good thing as, after communicating with Chris, I found out that he had a pretty good mental picture of what that scene was like, so anything I wrote would have been a disappointment at best, and outright wrong at worst.


Instead, I wrote a different scene, outside the bounds of Sabrina The Story, that drew on the mentioned, but not written scene.  When I finished it, I sent it to Chris as a gift and he seemed to enjoy it. After I wrote the scene, I began to think about what happened the next day, and things took off from there. The Circular Object MARK II was inspired by that scene in Sabrina The Story, but has taken on a life of its own. It uses characters and situations from both Sabrina The Story and Zig Zag The Story, but, ultimately is not about Sabrina or Zig Zag or any of the other characters that inhabit their worlds.


The Circular Object MARK II is about the random interconnectedness of seemingly unimportant events in ones life. It is a story of how an event from one persons past can have profound and moving effects on other people as they move through this tunnel called time.


In the story, Zig Zag makes a movie, and this is how it touches people’s lives, and eventually, comes full circle.


I would like to thank Chris Yost for the inspiration for the story. I would like to thank Chris Yost, James Bruner, Maxx the Black Rabbit and Eric W. Schwartz for their permission to use their characters and situations in this story. I hope you enjoy what I've written and please don't hesitate to provide feedback.


Gregg G Guydish

Original Version: 09-27-01

MARK II: 03-07-02




  The Circular Object MARK II is an independent work of fiction that draws inspiration from, but is not congruous to, the events and characters depicted in Sabrina The Story, Zig Zag The Story and/or Sabrina Online the strip. The events of The Circular Object MARK II do not exist in context with any of the events that have occurred, are occurring, or will occur in either Sabrina The Story, Zig Zag The Story, or Sabrina Online the strip unless the authors/creators of those creative works indicate otherwise. In no way are the events depicted in The Circular Object MARK II to be taken as fact, verbatim or CANON in the universe of Sabrina/Zig Zag or the other characters that populate their worlds. This disclaimer is subject to change at any time and without notice.


This is an independent work of fiction, with no connection whatsoever to Maxx the Black Rabbit, Chris Yost, James Bruner and/or Eric W. Schwartz or E.S. Productions, and in no way is meant to imply any connection with the above mentioned individuals or organizations.




Legal Notice: This story is Copyright \xA9 2001, 2002 to Gregg G Guydish. All rights to story content are reserved to the author.


This story may not be sold or used for commercial profit in any form or fashion. This story may not be modified in any way. This story may not be posted on a mirror site or any other Internet site without the written permission of the author. This story may not be distributed on print, magnetic, electrical or optical mediums. Permission is provided to print one hard copy of this story for private viewing solely to the person who downloaded it. Any further reproduction of the story will be considered a Copyright violation.


This story contains characters created by Max the Black Rabbit, Chris Yost, James Bruner and Eric W. Schwartz. Events and characters occurring in this story should not be considered part of the storylines for either Zig Zag, Sabrina The Story, Zig Zag The Story or Sabrina Online the strip. The artists of those works disavow any knowledge of and do not officially sanction the events in this story unless otherwise indicated by said authors.


  Full permission to use characters that are copyrighted to other individuals was obtained prior to the appearance of said characters. A listing of such characters follows. Please respect the rights of these individuals and do not use/publish their characters without due permission.


Character ZigZag is Copyright \xA9 Maxx the Black Rabbit

Characters Clarence Skunk and Wanda Vixen are Copyright \xA9 Chris Yost.

Characters James Sheppard, and Rhonda Badger are Copyright \xA9 James Bruner.

Character Marvin Badger is Copyright \xA9 James Bruner after a description by Chris Yost.

Characters Sabrina Mustelidae and Amy Squirrel are Copyright \xA9 Eric W. Schwartz.

Characters Christopher V. Vulpes, Amber Meeya Ailurus and Mike Mezcal are Copyright \xA9 Gregg G Guydish.

All rights to additional characters reserved by their respective owners.


Ebay is Copyright \xA9 the Ebay Corporation.


  Blue Horizon is a free, online anthro-novel about a bunch of fuzzy characters flying around the Planetary Alignment in their cargo freighter "Blue Horizon".  I put them in the story fully out of appeal for the work. If you like anthro-fiction, and I think you do, then check them out at:


details, details…


Why MARK II? Well, it's like this…


When I conceived and wrote The Circular Object it was supposed to have Sabrina & Chris Foxx as two of the title characters. That is the original version and the one I truly prefer. And, while I asked for & received permission from Eric Schwartz to use Sabrina, Chris Yost had some reservations, and withheld his for Chris Foxx as I portrayed him. So why didn't I keep Sabrina & drop Foxx? A valid question, and one which we have to refer to Eric Schwartz' FAQ to answer:


Sabrina - Female skunk, short white hair, wears glasses.
Sabrina is shy and easily embarrassed, and enjoys collecting and computers.
Nudity: Sabrina is rarely fully unclothed, but may be depicted in the nude, but only 'tastefully' and not explicitly so. No visible nipples or genitalia. Her fur covers those areas on her body.
Sexuality: If Sabrina is to be depicted in sexual contact, it should only be with her boyfriend, R.C. The raccoon, or possibly Chris Foxx, from the fanfiction continuity (Contact writer Chris Yost for permission in this case) No explicit depictions of sex. Sexual contact should be soft and downplayed, preferably obscured or 'under the covers'
Note: If you wish to do a public work with Sabrina in the nude or in a sexual situation, please check with me first before posting it.


This is taken directly from the latest Schwartz characters FAQ. The portion that concerns this work is the following:


If Sabrina is to be depicted in sexual contact, it should only be with her boyfriend, R.C. The raccoon, or possibly Chris Foxx, from the fanfiction community (Contact writer Chris Yost for permission in this case)


As you can see, if Sabrina is to be depicted in a sexual situation with Chris Foxx, I need Chris Yosts' permission,


OKAY. So, if you want to imagine The Circular Object the way it was conceived, and, understand, I'm not endorsing this, just making a comment, you could more or less replace Christopher Vulpes with Chris Foxx and Amber with Sabrina and you'll be fairly close to what I had in mind.  However, under the new rewrite, (MARK II), Sabrina has different scenes and dialog than the original, so a direct comparison is not possible. MARK II was difficult to write as the original Circular Object depended a lot on Sabrina's sexual naiveté, and Amber just wasn't quite the same character. There are several reasons for this, the single biggest one being copyright law.  It is unlawful of me to make Amber a carbon copy of Sabrina, besides just plain wrong. I wouldn't burn Eric like that. So, while a lot of The Circular Object stayed the same, a lot of it was also changed and rewritten for MARK II & I feel pretty safe I haven't trampled on anyone's copyrighted toes, as it were.    


I honestly wish I could have presented The Circular Object  in the form it was intended, but such is fate. As someone who has worked in the Zig Zag/Sabrina FanFiction universe, let me give some free advice to all you budding fanfict writers out there. DON'T DO IT!  Working with other peoples copyrighted characters is a royal pain in the arse!


Toodles! :)


The Characters


In order of Appearance:


Zig Zag
Alias: Zig, Zigs, Ziggy, (not to her face), the big Zig, (Sabrina only & never to her face)

Species: Skunk - Siberian Tiger mix
Age: 30 years old (her birthday is Jan 1st)
Distinguishing marks: white fur with tiger stripe pattern. Highly patterned tail.
Bio: Zig Zag is an adult film actress who has made lemonade from the lemons life provided her. Zig Zag grew up in a sexually abusive home, the oldest of three children with a strong maternal instinct to protect her younger siblings. She has a tiger-stripe fur pattern inherited from her grandfather, a Siberian Tiger. Zig Zag grew up an outcast and rebel who has parlayed her natural talent and abilities into a thriving adult entertainment Empire. As a result of the twists and turns her life has taken, she is intensely private and not prone to think of herself as a desirable mate.


Christopher V. Vulpes

Alias: Christo, (he has dreams!), Chris, Foxzee, (to Amber)

Age: 27 years old

Species: Red Fox

Distinguishing marks:  Red head, back and sides with solid black boots to thighs, gloves to shoulders, muzzle, back of ears, entire neck, chest, stomach, and loins terminating in a lush, black tail. Black also around eyes with a gray mask sweeping up from his black muzzle, across his cheeks and terminating in an untamed volley of black hair that sweeps back between his ears almost to shoulder length.  

Bio: A computer network technician for a local IT company, he's very smart but also somewhat studious and withdrawn, adventuring out of his shell only with people he either trusts implicitly or has known for a long time or both. He has a tendency to keep things hidden from others, a character flaw that gets him in more trouble than not. Currently boyfriend/bed partner to Amber Ailurus.


Amber Meeya (Mia) Ailurus

Alias: Mia, (to her close friends only), Amb, (Chris Vulpes only), Amba (common nick)

Age: 24 years old

Species: Red, or lesser, Panda

Distinguishing Marks: Tall and slim with a refined air that belies her occupation and usual, retro-grunge dressing style. Solid black from tip of chin to base of tail across her entire front, including solid black gloves and boots that match seamlessly with the black of her body. Soft red back and tail with red at the back of her ears and a long, tri-toned tail ringed alternately with darker & lighter bands that compliment and highlight her natural red fur color. Her face is white with a white muzzle, black nose, black spots on either cheek and black spots on the inside guard hairs of each ear. Has a short crop of very light, almost champagne colored hair atop her head.

Bio: Amber works in the Engineering Department at ZZ Studios and is a key employee that keeps the editing network and equipment up and running. She has a magic touch with the electronics at the studio and is generally well respected for keeping things in good working order. At work, her usual form of dress is a colorful jumpsuit or pair of coveralls that only seem to enhance her lean, stunning beauty.  Currently dating Christopher Vulpes.  


Tiver Trefoil

Alias: Boss, (mostly the tech department staff, but also some editors)

Age: 36 years old

Species: Smooth Collie

Distinguishing marks: Predominantly black head with brown on sides of muzzle & under eyes on cheeks. White chest, shoulders and arms with white feet and a shock of white headfur.  Black fur on rest of body except for brown on insides of thighs down to ankle. Black patches surround his dark eyes.

Bio: Tiver is the Senior Technician at ZZ Studios. He keeps the two full-time engineers busy and coordinates the work of the Engineering Department. Tiver rarely gets his paws dirty as his job consumes most of his time with paperwork and other clerical duties. He's the male people go to when something isn't working, and thus, interacts with upper management more than the technicians.


Leonard G. Viverridae

Alias: Len, Lenny, #6, (bad joke based on a bad movie)

Age: 28 years old

Species: Genetta Genetta, (Genet), Feline

Distinguishing marks: His light, dusty brown coat is spotted with irregular black spots that merge more than they separate creating a banded effect from his head to his feet evenly around his entire body. His long tail is ringed with alternating black and brown bands. His head is the same brown with black under and on the sides of his muzzle. His brown headfur is streaked in a similar fashion as his body.  Small whiteish patches highlight his intelligent green eyes.

Bio: Leonard is an IT technician at a large computer services company in the Columbus, Ohio area, and probably Christopher Vulpes best friend. However, that doesn't mean he understands him. His unique coloration has gotten him in trouble with the Species Purists from time to time not because he's a hybrid, (he's not), but just because of his strange looks. Sometimes he laments leaving his native home in Spain, where his species type was more common.


Sabrina Mustelidae

Alias: Sabby, Sab, Brina, Kitten (to Chris only)

Age: 24 years old (Her birthday is September 15th)

Species: Skunk

Distinguishing marks: Black and white skunk with a white head of hair, white muzzle and cheeks and both white gloves and socks. She carries her tail in a distinctive, prim curl, held high behind her.

Bio: A young female skunk with an intense interest in computers, romance novels, the internet, and internet relay chat. She's quiet when not with her girlfriends in the Clique and despite working as a Website Designer/Graphic Artist for ZZ Studios, an adult film studio in Columbus, Ohio, she still has an innocent and shy personality. Currently engaged to Chris Foxx.


Wanda the Vixen
Alias:  Are you kidding?

Species: Fox
Age: 23 years old
Distinguishing marks: Reddish fur with dark brown to black feet and paws. Black tips on ears and tail. White fur on chin, throat and chest.
Bio: Single and loving every minute of it. Actress and Web model for ZZ Studios. Has an overpowering attraction to shy males and Clarence Skunk in particular. Best friend of Rhonda Badger.


Clarence Skunk
Alias:  Clar\xE8, Stinky (high school only)

Species: Striped Skunk
Age: 22 years old
Distinguishing marks: Black fur with white stripes in his tail.
Bio: ZZ Studios resident gofer. A college student who is growing up fast in the brave new world of adult entertainment. Shy and insecure, Clarence is gamely trying to do a good job for Zig Zag while avoiding Wanda and keeping his job secret from his girlfriend, Cindy Lapine.


Marvin Badger
Alias:  Marv, (occasionally)

Species: American Badger
Age: 31 years old
Distinguishing marks: Gray fur with tawny highlights. White strip running from tip of nose to forehead and into his hair. Black stripes that run beside the white that flare out as they approach his ears. Black ears and white cheeks that fade to gray under his chin.
Bio:  Married to Rhonda Badger, Marvin is the Major Domo of ZZ Studios and friend to Zig Zag. Married actress Rhonda Barret after meeting her at the studio. One of the few people Zig Zag confides in, Marvin worries about Zig at times, especially concerning her questionable choices in males. A standout college defensive lineman, he likes to keep in shape and can be physically intimidating when the situation requires it.


Rhonda Badger
Alias:  Rhon, (to people that know her)

Species: American Badger
Age: 29 years old
Distinguishing marks: Gray fur with tawny highlights. White strip running from tip of nose to forehead but not into her hair. Black stripes that run beside the white that flare out as they approach her ears. Black ears and white cheeks that fade to gray under her chin.
Bio:  Married to Marvin Badger, and former actress for ZZ Studios. Rhonda was a popular performer and her videos are still one of ZZ Studios' top sellers. Rhonda met and married Marvin while working at the studio and retired from acting after her marriage. She still remains a good friend to Zig Zag, who keeps trying to get Rhonda to model for the Web site. Rhonda works as a volunteer at a local nursing home when not taking classes at the local university to complete her degree in elder care.


Michael Mezcal

Alias: Mike

Species: Felis Yagouaroundi, Jaguarundi, Feline

Sex: Male

Fur Color: Solid Black

Eye Color: Solid Black

Height: 5 foot, 9 1/2 inches:

Occupation: Video Editor, part time Web Model

Bio: Mike was born in a small Northeastern Pennsylvania town and moved to Ohio for, as yet, undisclosed reasons. During college he studied to become a Video Editor and enjoys his career in the field. He is very familiar with the genre and keeps up with recent trends in the industry.  He's friendly, affable and generally well liked. When his beloved automobile broke down he found himself on Zig's doorstep, in need of full time employ and the results of that conversation are still being worked out in his mind. Mike is a US citizen by birth and has never used illegal drugs.


James Sheppard
Alias: James, Jim

Species: Coyote - German Shepherd hybrid
Age33 years old
Distinguishing marks: Black ears, muzzle and end of tail with light gray - almost white - paws and feet, otherwise medium gray.
Bio: Background similar to Zig Zag - grew up in a single parent home with limited prospects growing up. Owns and runs Sheppard Computer Systems with Doug Granitz. Usually private and reserved except to his friends and family. A widower, James, for the first time in years, is finally growing into a new relationship.


The Circular Object


\xA92001, 2002 Gregg G Guydish