True Loves Meaning Part 1

They Meet


            It was a sunny summer morning and the sky sparkled with the colors of the rainbow. The wind softly blew as the birds sang the songs of love they seemed to cherish so instinctively. A gust of wind blew into Lamikas modest apartment and brushed over her nose making her twitch a little as not to sneeze. Lamika was a beautiful snow leopard, Her fur fluffy and her tail swaying with a life of its own as she slept. Her eyes were light green and sparkled like water under moonlight when she smiled. Her hips would move as if to some invisible beat when she walked. Lamika was on her way to becoming a wonderful lawyer but it was still early in her career and it would be some time before she would be rich or famous. She dreamed of one day proving that justice could be attained in the courts and hoped to one day become a judge so she could help any who came to her.

            Lamika awoke from her relaxing rest and slowly got out of her bed. She stretched her arms to the sky and yawned before beginning her morning exercises. She had a couple of days off due to a complication in one of her cases. She had slept in she thought to herself, looking at the clock noticing it was nine. Lamika took a long hot shower and used her blow dryer to fluff her fur and combed her fur to make sure there were no knots. She walked into the main room of her apartment and looked at herself in her full size body mirror. She thought she needed to lose weight but then again didn't all women think like that.

            Lamika decided to eat breakfast at a nice little bagel cafe that had opened down the street from her apartment. She dressed in a black shirt with an oval hole in the chest that made her large plump breasts more noticeable. It wasn’t a large amount of cleavage that shown through but it was enough. Then she slid on a tight pair of gray shorts and a pair of casual gray shoes. Now I'll fit in she said to herself. Lamika went down the stairs and out the building taking in the site of the busy sidewalks that were eagerly trampled by the many citizens in a hurry to be where ever it was they went. She soon arrived at the café and sat at the first open table a few moments later.

            Orao was a stockbroker and had been quite successful as of late. He was on vacation that week and had also decided to eat at the new cafe his friends had told him about. His fur was hard and tight to his skin; it was glossy and smooth to the touch. He dressed in a blue suit with gold buttons and black dress shoes. Over the years he had become used to wearing suits and now a days he was quite comfortable in them. He smiled as he finished his dressing and called the cab company. It wasn’t far to the café but he didn’t feel like walking. Orao went down the elevator and got into the cab that brought him to the new cafe.

            Orao walked into the cafe and froze as he saw Lamika sitting at a table on the side. His stomach tensed and his chest started to ache, as he looked at the most beautiful site he had ever seen. Lamika didn't see Orao starring at her from the doorway. Orao was so overwhelmed he almost fell over but began to collect his thoughts. Nervously he walked to the table and took a deep breath.

"Hello, Miss, would you mind if I sat here?" he pointed at a chair across from her.

            Lamika turned her head and looked at Orao standing next to her. She was lost for words as she saw the handsome panther above her and they just stood still looking into each other’s eyes. Orao was the most handsome man she had ever seen she thought, his shimmering blue eyes just starring into hers.

"I, I wouldn't mind at all if you sat there," she finally said.

            Orao and Lamika sat starring at each other, as all things in the cafe seemed to fade away. Neither of them knew what to say but both of them knew they didn't want to say the wrong thing. Finally Orao worked up enough courage to speak and his voice called to her.

"I'm Orao, I was wondering if I could know your name," he said.

"I'm Lamika, its wonderful to meet you," she replied reaching over to shake his paw.

            Orao reached out and took her paw kissing it ever so gently on the top. Lamika shivered as the feeling sent electricity through her being. They soon began getting a little more comfortable and finally continued they’re conversation. Each hanging on the others words as they wished the moment would never end. The more Lamika spoke the more he loved her voice. The way it gently rolled to his ears and how it was amazingly smooth and soothing.

Lamika and Orao over the course of the long conversation moved in closer and at one point their muzzles were only six inches apart. Orao could smell and taste Lamikas breath as it rolled off her tongue and into his nose. He felt so close to her and yet at the same time it seemed like a thousand miles needed to be crossed to reach her muzzle. Orao just couldn't resist as he closed his eyes and his muzzle closed the distance between them. He kissed Lamika in passion as she froze in surprise. Lamika fell back into the chair her face showing her total shock and overwhelming thoughts. It was the most enjoyable moment she had ever felt and she sat with her mouth wide open and totally paralyzed. Orao opened his eyes and seeing Lamikas shock thought she was offended and quickly was overcome with embarrassment and guilt. He got up saying nothing and ran out as fast as he could. Lamika couldn't move still trying to collect her passion filled thoughts even thought she didn't want him to leave.

            Lamika suddenly realized she needed to find him and talk to him. She knew her reaction made Orao think she didn't like him and she was determined to remedy that no matter how hard it would be. From the conversation she knew that his name was Orao Relson and it didn't take long for her to track down where he lived from her office. After only an hour she was at his buildings entrance. Lamika stood in front of the entrance of his building wondering what she would say and how she would get in. Orao was on his balcony still beating himself up for being so stupid when he looked down at the street and saw Lamika walking to the doorman. She had found him but what did she want he wondered. He panicked and started running around fixing and cleaning things, as he wanted everything perfect when she got there. Than it hit him, she wouldn’t be able to get in if he didn’t talk to the downstairs security. The phone rang and he answered it knowing who it was.

“Hello,” he said trying to calm himself.

“Hi Orao, this is Ralph I have a woman here who says she knows you, her name is Lamika. Should I let her upstairs?” the man said.

“Yes Ralph let her up and let her use the elevator to my loft,” he said wanting her to be comfortable.

“OK, and have a good day Orao,” the voice said before hanging up.

His whole being froze with fear as the elevator began to rise to his loft. His body shook as he nervously went to the door. Orao opened the door to see Lamika standing before him and almost pissed his pants with fear. He panicked again and started rambling on about how sorry he was and how much he didn't want to offend her, his eyes looking at the ground as he felt ashamed of himself. Lamika took his head in her hands and pulled him down into another kiss. It was a long kiss and Orao wrapped his arms around her lifting her up instinctively. Lamika felt comfortable in his arms as her paws wrapped around his neck. Orao put Lamika down and fell onto his rear in shock of what had just happened.

"That was amazing," he muttered still in shock.

            Lamika giggled and helped him to his feet after her legs gained their strength back.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to collect myself after that great kiss you gave me at the café. I knew I would probably not see you again if I didn’t track you down," Lamika said.

"Would you go to dinner with me this evening, I swear I won't make another mistake like I did at the cafe," he asked nervously.

"I would love to," she couldn't resist, "How about we meet at the cafe, say seven."

"Deal," he said happily, willing to do what ever she asked of him.

            Lamika turned and walked to the elevator her tail brushing across Oraos paw. She blew him a kiss as the elevator door closed.