CIRCLE SEVEN: ROUND FOUR                        

The Violent Against God’s Other Creatures


The main character, though left unnamed, is possibly a reformed hunter of sport.  He apparently enters the Fourth Round of the Seventh Circle only through a journey of his subconscious mind, perhaps through a dream. Here are punished the VIOLENT AGAINST GOD’S OTHER CREATURES, hunters of sport, scientist who tested on animals, poachers, and all who have shed the blood of unwilling and unknowing animals for sport, cruelty, and money. They are eternally tormented by being used for sport by men in Hell.  Just as they placed themselves lower than animals by harming them, other humans constantly use them as objects of play. Little is known about the humans that torment them, but they seem to enjoy their cruel job.  They have no souls and they operate only for pure pleasure. Here the hunter sees an unnamed tortured soul who explains his sad story after his skull is crushed by one of the humans. Then the hunter meets a man named CHRIS SERVHEEN, who worked for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a biologist.

The hunter is lead though this Circle of Hell by a tigress named LANIKI. She is black with white stripes and blue eyes.  The hunter constantly admires her beauty, and seems to fall in love with her for her physical and mental attributes.  She explains to the hunter about the She-Wolf who sometimes enters the circle and mates with the humans and uses the souls as toys in the perverseness.

I awoke to find myself in a dark, lank place that smelled of Death in all its entirety.

     Slowly my eyes adjusted to the scene before me. My first thought was that I had been

     deceived, for the terrors that I witnessed certainly did not please.


My stomach felt nauseated and my limbs fell numb as I realized that I was falling down.

    My body felt as if it was being sucked inside out, and the life that I had once known

    flashed before my eyes as I collapsed on the ground.


All around me I saw forms of torture and killing, to my true distaste

     for I always thought of myself as being one who puts down cruelty,

     many fellow human’s bodies being put to waste.


In this place, humans were used as sport by other beings. They were kicked and maimed

like they were balls. Their stomachs were ripped opened and they were hung from walls

by their intestines. I had to look away from this strange and peculiar game.


“Disgusting, isn’t it,” said a strange, feminine voice. I removed the hands from my eyes

       to see a tigress staring back at me. “Welcome to Hell,” she said. My eyes started to

      water because I thought that I had died. I missed the people I left without saying



“No, do not worry, you have yet to pass from the Earth,” said the tigress to me.

     Something in her voice made me trust her, for what else could I do?  Her voice was

     enchanting, it somehow filled me with glee.


What a beautiful tigress she was! She looked like Nala, a character from one of my             

     daughter’s favorite movies. This tigress was black with white stripes and she had  

     beautiful blue eyes. I felt attracted to her, and I didn’t know why.


Her smile was simply breathtaking.  I am human, though. Why am I attracted to her?

     “my name is Laniki. I have been sent to guide you through reformation,” said the

     tigress to me. I asked the only question that I could think of- “Why am I here?”


Her smile could have opened the Heavens.  “You are here to see what might happen

     to you if you continue killing for sport. The souls that you see here do not

     feel the Light of God. Just as they used other Creatures for sport, the end


of their life’s journey places them here to be jousted by others. The other humans

     that you see here have no soul. They do not use human reason, instead they only do

     what they feel is fun. Their soul purpose is to torment the sinners. They are fans


of creating new ways to play with their toys.” She pointed out a sinner with her paw

    whose body was being jerked like a yo-yo by one of the humans. We walked over to

    the person and she told him to let the sinner go. The man let the sinner fall


on a rock, crushing his skull, which then regenerated itself by some Unnatural Law.

Laniki motioned for me to talk to the sinner. “Do not be afraid, he cannot do anything

to harm you.” I looked at the mingled soul with eyes as big as a ball


“What have you done,” I asked the sinner.  The soul strained to speak,

    it seemed that he had not used his voice for a long time. “I cursed a man named Jamey

   Lee West for his article on saving deer. I then went out and clubbed a deer until it was



I watched it as it slowly died, and then I took it to Jamey’s house and left it on his porch.

     For this I must spend eternity in Hell.” I looked back at Laniki with a heavy heart.

     “You see why I had to bring you here,” she said quietly, “an Unholy Torch


is burning your soul.” “I have quit hunting long ago,” I cried out angrily,

    “I do not kill any more! I have learned my lesson.” Laniki shook her head and said,

    “You have killed before. That is all that is necessary to place you here, that is the key.


I realized exactly what she was saying.  “The only way to reform for you sins

     is to spread the word and tell others what you have seen here,” said Laniki, “Come, we

     have much more to see.” We started to walk further into the area of tortured men.


As we walked, I again admired my guide’s beauty. She walked with perfect grace.

     I suppressed the urge to touch her thighs. How I wanted to kiss her lips…

     Suddenly we stopped, and Laniki’s expression turned from a peaceful taste


to being quite sly. “You know that I can hear your thoughts,” she said. I felt embarrassed

    and my face reddened. “Why do I feel this way about you,” I asked, “why do I want

    you?” She smiled seductively. “Because I’m everything that you can’t get on Earth,”

                                                                                                      she sassed.


It was then when I found another soul.  He was hanging by his intestines by a hook.

    My first urge was to unhook him, but Laniki scolded me and told me not to pity the

    Damned. I asked him what his name was. “My name is Chris Servheen, look


not at my appearance, but listen to my story.  I abused my power by stealing

    justice from the bears of Yellowstone. I attempted to destroy them. They were on the

    Endangered Species List until my dealings.


I was going to ask more questions when all of a sudden all of the souls groaned.

   The humans dropped their toys and began to jump lively while the souls tried to hide

   themselves. I felt a dark spirit enter the land while the souls moaned.


Then I saw it. A female Wolf appeared from above the circle. “This creature provides

    incontinence to the humans by engaging in sexual acts with them,” Laniki explained.

   As she was talking, men and women lined up as the souls continued to hide.


Men and women both occupied themselves in acts too perverse to write. Any souls that

   were found were once again used as ‘toys’ in the disgusting scene.  Laniki granted my

   lone wish by saying, “It is time to go home.” I thanked her numerously as she sat.


Her purr sent subtle feelings into my own loins. “Repent now and spread the word,”

   she said. “You really are an Angel,” I replied. She laughed and said, “Yes I am, so you

   have learned. Repent and we will meet again in Heaven.” We kissed and she purred.


I woke up sweating in the middle of a field, and after some minor tension,

   I went to spread the word, it was my mission.