The condensed history of Furland (Revised 2002)


Humanity’s downfall

Humanity evolved on the planet Hydon over a period of a few million years. In that time, the human race became the masters of the planet. They ruled over all but the most powerful beasts. Humans killed and tormented the lesser beings on the earth and sea for their own amusement and feasted on their dead bodies without remorse. The human arrogance was so great, they began to view themselves as the most perfect beings in the world, almost like gods.

The Guardian Gods of Hydon thought it prudent and warranted to teach humanity a lesson in humility and restore balance to the world, for in the course of humanity’s destructive path they had claimed the extinction of countless species placed on the world by the Guardian Gods themselves.

Humanity’s punishment consisted of three incredible gifts. One was for all the creatures on Hydon, the other for just the animals and the last one for humanity.

The gift common for all creatures was that of complete sexual and reproductive compatibility between beings of different species. Thus, a male tiger can impregnate a female bear, or a male human can impregnate a female dog, etc. Not only that, but also all species now secreted the same kind of pheromones, so a lioness in heat will not only attract a male lion, but also the hyena, the gorilla and the human just as much.

The second gift, the one for just the animal kingdom (excluding humans), was meant to immediately stop the rapid extinction of species by exponentially increasing the animal’s attributes (strength, speed, etc.). All animals became too powerful for a human, even with weapons, to kill. The beasts still maintained the power relation they had among them, so a lion could still kill a zebra to feed.

The third gift was given to humans to stop humanity from disappearing since they are now at the bottom of the food chain. They were awarded an exponentially increased fertility. This allowed the humans to maintain a very numerous population; even if a hundred humans die every day, there were enough born that day to compensate.

All this gifts were not announced to the people. The great majority did not even notice anything had changed. People began to realize something was wrong when they began to feel different towards their pets and were unable to explain it. Many unprecedented things began to occur, such as encountering a cat and a dog mating on the street, or see horny dogs chase girls around and raping them, etc.

Many businesses closed down. A large number of butchers and hunters all over the world were maimed or killed by animals they intended to kill. Soon the people were unable to find any meat products in the markets and everyone unwillingly became vegetarian.

Since no one is exactly sure when exactly the change occurred, a symbolic date was chosen and that year, 2000 years ago, became the first year of our the current calendar.

Explosion of species

As in all societies, some of the people of Hydon had many vices and fetishes. While most people still viewed sexual relations with members of the animal kingdom as unnatural and disgusting, there are a few who carried out such activities even before the change. Of course, the occurrences of such activities increased dramatically once females in heat began to drive men wild with lust. In the case of male animals, which are devoid of human's prejudices, they were drawn to mate with any female in heat, thus many women were raped by larger and much stronger beasts and more than half did not survive the ravaging of their fragile bodies.

Unlike before, some of the cases of human/animal mating resulted in the impregnation of the female (animal or human). The women gave birth to ‘normal’ human babies, but the female animal would give birth to a hybrid, part human and part animal.

The child born from a human mother and animal father would still have the genetic attributes from the father in dormant genes, but would not exhibit them, and his/her appearance would be derived strictly from the mother. If that child is a male and in maturity he mates with a female animal, their offspring would then exhibit the male’s father’s physiological traits added to the mix.

After a few generations, a new kind of being had joined humans’ ranks. They were called Anthropomorphic Furs, but later they were just known as Furs. They were animal in appearance but with the general anatomy of a human. They are the product of multiple influxes of human DNA into the genetic material.

Furs were generally much bigger than the average human, their size generally equivalent to the original animal they spawned from. Their bodies are generally in athletic and sometimes excessively muscular, regardless of how much exercise they do.

Even though Furs were derived from the mix of many different species, there is always a dominant species in its genetic code, thus a fur might look like a Siamese Cat, but in fact has some jack rabbit, human and gorilla in his DNA, giving him some of his ancestor’s abilities and strength but not their appearance. Nevertheless, there are always exceptions to every rule, and there are many furs who’s DNA had blended so well, their appearance is an actual mix of the species.

After a few hundred years, Furs became very common. With their intelligence vastly superior to their animal ancestors, inherited from their human side, they began to form social circles and some even tried to live along with the humans, with little success.

Third Gender

The existence of hermaphrodite creatures was no mystery to the Hydonians. The Dragon population of Hydon consisted of mainly hermaphroditic (Herm) individuals, having both male and female genitalia and each capable of impregnating another and of being impregnated. Some other species of lizards also exhibited that trait. Also, Herm’s male and female sexual attributes (penis, testicles, labia and breasts) are generally much larger and potent than the average males or females.

Macro Locals

Dragons are Macro creatures (Giants), which could live for 100000 years and continue growing until they die, reaching heights of up to 10 miles, but are born the same size as human babies. Most dragons inhabit Dragon Isle, a huge continent in the northern hemisphere of Hydon, where men not dare go, for survival is impossible.

Young Dragons often fly to other continents and among other things mate with the natives. Although Dragons grow at the same rate human's do, they mature sexually by the time they are 5 years of age and are well capable of empregnating another female or herm. Dragons reach mental adulthood by their 17000's birthday. Dragon’s sexual endowment is ‘impressive’ and for a human female, sex with a dragon her size is 90% fatal, since a dragon 2/3 her size already has a male member longer than she could take in. Also since they do not understand the difference between purely male and female beings, half the time they rape male humans and other furs as well.

After a dragon reaches the age of 1000 sie is forbiden to ever leave Dragon Isle. The Dragon Council of Elders fears that a single adult dragon outside the island could easily anihilate the population of a continent in less than a day.

The injection of Dragon DNA had brought to the Fur community the existence members of other species being born Herm. They are still a small minority, but their numbers tend to increase.

Just as the Herm genes were transmitted to other species by the dragons, the Macro gene invaded the blood pool as well. Macro genes are relatively weak and generally remain dormant, but once in a while a fur is born with the Macro Factor fully active.

No fur has ever grown to the size of an adult dragon, but some have been recorded to reach up to 1900 feet in height.

Diversified Mutation

It remains a mystery even to this date of why or how some mutated species emerged, but the fact is they did. Children of both Fur and Human in origin were born with traits and physical appearance very different from its parents. These cases were very rare, but over the years many hundreds of cases have been documented.

It is speculated that the cause might be that somehow some or all the human and fur genes were truly blended instead of having some active and the others dormant. This however has not been scientifically proven, yet.

Another probable cause is the 'Regresion Theory' formulated by Anx K'taan of the Keldon Genetic Institute. K'taan suggests that within our DNA we have not only our blueprints but also a map of all the changes from our first common ancestor, thus it is possible that an interspecies mating might result in some of those 'historical' traits to be reawaken. That can explain why some of the 'mutants' have traits of beings long extinct such as Dinosaurs and early hominids. It is overwhelming to try to imagine all the diversity of beings that can emerge when one takes into account the blending of all current species and those that came before.

A trait all ‘mutants’ have in common is that the offspring of a female mutant will have the same traits and appearance of the mother, regardless of what species the father was. The offspring of a male mutant will still inherit traits from the mother.

The resistance in female mutant’s offspring from being mixed with other species began to cause for small races to emerge. One female mutant born can generate a race of beings with her physical characteristics over the course of a few generations.

The oldest mutant races, dating as far back as 1500 years are the Calliope, Dirkans, Garris and Gaidons. A few dozen more races have appeared since then.

The Civil War

As the number of Furs in Hydon grew, the human population rejection towards them also inflated which was promoted by those in power who view their existence as a threat to humanity and their way of life.

The lawmakers passed many laws against Furs, and those responsible for bringing more to the world. Having pets or any kind of animal was outlawed. Suspicion of acts of any sexual nature with Furs or Animals was punishable by incarceration, and proof of such acts warranted the death sentence. That law was retroactive, so any parent or direct ancestor of any Fur still alive was to be executed.

Although human law-enforcement was greatly unequipped to take on a single Fur, still many laws were passed in which they were to be arrested and incarcerated for the slightest misdemeanor. Soon that law changed to immediate incarceration and execution if found within any human city or settlement.

It wasn’t long for the Fur communities all over the world to revolt. By the year 450, the Civil War had begun. At the beginning of the war, the pre-industrial Human population was of little over two billion individuals and the intelligent furs throughout the world only reached 800 individuals.

Despite being overwhelmingly outnumbered by the humans, the Furs won the war with very few casualties on their side and a devastating number of losses to the humans. 200 million dead was the official body count, but it is rumored the actual number is still much more horrific.

Humans fought bravely with all the contemporary weapons at their disposal. Their arsenal consisted mainly of Broadswords, Battleaxes, Crossbows, Longbows and Catapults. Those weapons were quite useless against most of the Furs; meanwhile a single human-sized Fur was powerful enough to defeat 10 humans without much effort.

Many humans fought on the Furs’ side, either to protect a loved one or because they believed in what they fought for.

The Civil War lasted three years and in the end, the kings and emperors from Hydon’s four main continents (excluding Dragon Isle which did not take part on the war,) surrendered unconditionally.

Four Fur Commanders were chosen to act as emperors of the kingdoms of Utan’na, Deswall, Geemeck, and Emerland.

Unified Empire

Under the rule of the Fur coalition, the Furs were given the privileges they were denied before. They moved towards the main cities and settled there, among the humans. All the laws still applied to the human population but the Furs were granted full liberty to do as their hearts desired.

The furs caused mayhem throughout the world, recklessly injuring people as they fooled around. Corruption and chaos took over and soon the possibility of a human was very near.

In 456, the four Fur Emperors (as they were called) had a 48 hour-long meeting with a delegation of their wartime human allies and Fur elders.

After the meeting was over they each returned to their subjects and announced the formation of Unified Empire of Furland. The previous empires of Utan’na, Deswall, Geemeck and Emerland became member kingdoms subject to the central government located in Deswall.

To further seal the Fur’s dominion over the humans, the name of the world was legally changed from Hydon (which was an ancient term for ‘Human Birthplace’) to Furland.

Furland Law

With the creation of Furland, the first fully detailed constitution was written, spelling out all the dos and don’ts of the new integrated society.

The new law system was very similar to the preceding law system, except that it was all explicitly stated and not implied as before.

The law was written from the Fur standpoint and is inherently biased towards them. Also, it reflects the philosophy of ‘might make right’, where the more powerful the Fur is, the more above the law he/she is.

Logistically, the upholding of the law was very difficult, since a human police officer could not arrest a Fur his size and much less a bigger one. Incarceration was another problem since no human prison (or any other building) could prevent a large Fur from leaving if he/she so wished.

By the year 475, large Furs were recruited to the urban law enforcement forces. With Furs as police officers, most furs began to respect the law and avoided hurting humans as much as possible.

Special underground prisons began to be built to facilitate large furs’ detainment.

Legal Status

Depending on the level of intelligence and anthropomorphism, the creatures in Furland are legally separated into four categories.

The Present

It has been long since the integration of Furs into Human society. The current year is 2000 AF, (After Furland).  The human population has reached 7 Billion in number and the Fur population reached 5 million.

Furs have evolved a long way and live normal lives in relative peace with their human neighbors.  Some of the most respected citizens are in fact Furs, as well as some of the most admired artists, models, athletes and singers.

A human currently rules the Empire, and humans also rule 2 of the 4 kingdoms.

Although in many ways the world has become more chaotic and more savage than it was 2000 years ago, it cannot be denied that balance was achieved. Thus, for now the Guardian Gods are pleased.


Kranix Tut
Tar Ammoc Institute of History
Keldon City