The Game of the Hunt

Will A. Sanborn

10/9 - 10/11/95

Revised 11/5 - 11/6/96

In a secluded corner of the bustling casino, a temporary oasis of solitude amidst the crowds, the young fox woman sat in the luxurious padding of the chair, lost in the brilliant expanses of the neon city. The chin of her muzzle cradled in her paws, human-like, but for the black fur and the short tips of her fingernail claws, her shoulder-length, auburn hair slightly messy with frustration, she gazed down at the floor, a light sheen of moisture coating her tired blue eyes.

Scared and confused, angry and exhausted, her thoughts were a jumbled mess as she tried to frantically sort through the situation. There it was, only Friday night, not even twelve hours since she'd arrived, and she'd already fallen victim to the deceptive charms of the casino and its minions. Only that morning she'd gotten off the transport, all starry-eyed and excited for her vacation, only a three-day weekend, but it was her first real vacation since she'd finished school and taken her job. By noon she'd discovered just how fun the games in the casino could be, by two o'clock she'd gone through her first-day's allowance; another couple of hours saw her draining the rest of the money she'd intended for the trip.

It had been easy, so deceptively easy, for her to access her account, running through her meager savings in a matter of hours, lost in a frenzied confusion, jumping from table to table, desperate to win back her money. As the funds in her account continued to drop, she became more and more desperate, rational thought lost long ago, her thoughts running wild, her pulse racing, caught in the grip of gambling fever, its paw closing tighter every second.

Then finally, when she'd managed to drain her savings, in what seemed all too quick a time, she'd tried a last-ditch effort and dug into her credit, finally maxing that out before she'd crashed from the adrenaline and realized what she'd done.

How could she have been so stupid? She'd purposely created a smaller account with the funds for the vacation in it, the funds she could afford to lose, but what did she do but rush in like a drunken idiot and blow it all. After the cold realization had flooded over her, she'd ran to a banking terminal, checking through all of her possible resources, and had come to the startling figure of a whole ten credits to her name, which if she was lucky might buy her dinner at one of the lesser and greasier restaurants.

How could it have happened to her though? She'd gone to a good school, made the grades, and graduated to work for a strong company with a promising future. Things like that didn't happen to people like her, they happened to middle-aged housewives, tied to a slot machine, chain smoking as they fed its ever-hungry mouth in chance of that elusive payoff; it wasn't supposed to be this way, not for her.

It was supposed to have been a fun weekend, out to the glittering city, away from the pressures of work to just go and have a good time. Fighting back the tears she thought angrily that Meredith should have been with her, instead of canceling out last minute, then she wouldn't have gotten lost in this mess. She should've canceled the plans when Meredith had jumped ship on her for an unexpected visit from her boyfriend, but she'd been determined to go and have a good time; she'd waited long enough for it, and she deserved an adventure.

Some adventure it had turned out to be, all alone in the strange and confusing city, no money to speak of, and no way out. She'd even foolishly cashed in her return-flight ticket somewhere along the way, lost in the frenzy, and they'd been all too happy to accept it. To make matters worse, when the hotel did their routine credit check on her account that night and found out she was bankrupt, she'd most assuredly be out on the street. Maybe she could try and sleep in the lounge here, for the casinos were open all through the night, but it was probably only a matter of time before someone spotted her and decided she was no longer a welcomed guest.

Frustrated and scared by her lack of options, angry at her momentary lapse of common sense, she didn't bother holding back any more, and the sobs finally came, the warm tears stinging her eyes. Letting it all out, she lost herself in her sorrows, still alone in the quiet corner of the lobby, ignored by the streaming masses in the main room, lost in their own hopeless pursuits.

She'd been crying for several minutes, her sobs starting to die down, when a hand gently touched her shoulder, accompanied a moment later by a soft male voice asking "why are you crying?" with genuine sympathy.

Tensing slightly in surprise, she turned to look up at the stranger who'd interrupted her sorrows and saw a handsome human, a man in his early 30's. Dressed in a dazzling white-satin suit, he looked quite debonair, as the color of the fabric complimented the mild tan of his skin and his light brown hair. Looking down at her, he smiled, a warm and friendly smile, helping to put her mind at ease, at least a little bit.

"Lost all you're money didn't you foxy?" his voice was quiet and caring.

She quietly nodded at him, her eyes still glistening.

"Your first time away from it all and you came here for some fun?"

"Yes," was her reply, a little shy, "but how did you know?"

"Oh, I've seen it before," his warm gaze not faltering from her, "you'd be surprised how many people wind up like yourself... it's easy to do if you aren't careful, especially your first time here."

Sitting down in the chair placed kitty-cornered to hers, he continued. "What's your name foxy?"

"Tara... Tara Nelson," she replied, looking at this handsome stranger with the soft voice and caring eyes.

"Now that's a pretty name, almost as pretty as you are," she felt her face blush at that, only barely visible through the white fur of her muzzle. "May I call you foxy though? It seems to fit you, and I think it's cute."

She smiled at that, nodding, for the tone of his voice and his charming manners made it sound like an old friend giving her a playful nickname. The warmth of his presence had already made her feel a little more at ease, her troubles receding slightly to the back her mind.

"Well it's nice to meet you foxy, and I am Mr. Robinson," extending his hand and taking hers, but instead of a friendly handshake he surprised her by raising it up and planting a gentle kiss on the light covering of soft, black fur there.

Bringing his mouth away from her hand, he again matched her gaze, with a soft smile on his face, watching her momentary and delightful confusion. Still lightly holding her hand he asked "do you have anyone with you, anyone who can help you?"

Feeling a little ashamed and stupid, she shook her head, dropping her eyes slightly.

"Now that's too bad, such a pretty woman like you all alone here... We just can't let that happen," his voice still soft and sincere. "Well, I'd like to help you out foxy."

Her eyes lit up at that, the rest of her concern vanishing from her face.

"How much did you lose here, a lot?"

"Ummm, yes... I lost all of my savings... I was stupid," her voice trailing off, her eyes dropping down again.

"No, you just got caught up in the action, it could happen to anybody," he replied, gently squeezing her hand with reassurance. She smiled a little at this.

"Well I can certainly help you out, and it would be my pleasure... but I don't believe in charity foxy. I didn't get to where I am today by charity, I got there by working for what I wanted, and I believe everyone should do the same," his voice was still gentle as he watched her face show her confusion. "Now I can help you out, but you will have to work for it... Though it's an easy job and I think you'll enjoy it."

A couple of moments passed before her mind ran through his statements and uncovered his actual meaning. In a flash her face darkened, her eyes widening, her lips turning down slightly, and her nostrils flaring. Pushing his hand from hers, she jerked away from him, pressing her back into the chair. "I'm not for sale," she finally managed to snort, still stunned by his proposition.

His mood unaffected, he flashed another gentle smile at her, "but foxy, here in Sin City everything is for sale, it's just a matter of finding the price." Hesitating just briefly he added, "how does fifty thousand sound?"

Stunned again, this time shocked by the figure, she blinked back at him. That was more than a year's salary, much more. Finally she managed to ask "fifty thousand for just one night?" conflicting thoughts of disbelief and indignity running through her mind.

"Well it would be for the weekend... and there'd be three of us," he answered, his voice completely nonchalant, still smiling at her.

Blinking again at his last statement, her thoughts became more jumbled. His gaze was so warm and enchanting, yet he'd just propositioned her like it was no big deal, and the money, how could someone afford that kind of money for a weekend fling? If she were to accept his offer, she'd be set, she could keep her job, and have quite a tidy savings account, or even quit work and have an incredible extended vacation.

What was she thinking though, accept his offer, was she crazy? Then again, he was very handsome, and looked to be in very good shape. She even had to admit that a part of her was intrigued by the notion, touching upon secret fantasies, even in its outrageousness seeming a little erotic. No, how could she even think of that? With three of them, what would it be like? Again idle dreams of being embraced by two strong lovers percolating to the surface of her consciousness.

Lost in these wild thoughts, she was a little surprised to find his hand reaching out for her knee, resting gently there to touch her through the fabric of her pants. Confused, and feeling as if under a spell, she let herself get momentarily lost in the depth of his hazel eyes.

Her mind still a jumble, she noticed his hand trailing slowly up her leg, sending small shivers through her. It felt nice, warm and safe, romantic and sexy too, but finally the remaining vestiges of rational thought broke through and awakened her, if only slightly.

"But... but why not just go to a prostitute, why do you want me?" she asked, her voice betraying her uncertainty.

Smiling again, he answered, "most of them aren't very classy, not like you..." she felt herself get a little warmer at that. "Even the expensive ones," he continued, "they're nice, but they've seen it all. I prefer someone who's a little shy, but also excited by the idea... like you."

Finishing his explanation, his hand reached up to stroke gently along her inner thigh. Her whole body seemed to tingle at his touch, feeling the warmth increase, her mind became even more clouded, almost wanting desperately to lose herself to this handsome and stunning stranger.

Then, still smiling at her, he leaned forward to softly kiss the tip of her nose. "So foxy, can I interest you in joining me for the weekend?"

Trying to sort through the hazy and jumbled feelings, she blurted it all out. "I don't know Mr. Robinson, you are very handsome and it does sound very sexy, and it's an awful lot of money... but I don't know if I can trust you or if I really want to do this...."

"I know foxy, but I can tell you're interested. You need the money, it'll keep you off the streets, and I do think you're very beautiful, and I would like very much to play with you this weekend."

Dully realizing he's right, that she really didn't have anywhere else to turn, and that if things got worse she could even have to do this for some scumbag, and for a lot less, her decision swayed a little more in his favor. Also, he was so handsome and persuasive, she almost wanted to melt against his embrace.

"You can trust me foxy, I'm a man of my word," he continued. "We will be playing with you, you'll be ours for the weekend. Now that doesn't mean that you won't enjoy it though, I think you will... I do confess to having an eccentric side to me, but it's all in fun, and there's no worry of anyone getting hurt, even in the slightest... I should also tell you I have a fondness for furries too."

His statements sent a small shiver or two of alarm through her mind, but she mostly dismissed them. She was momentarily peeved about his interests for furries, thinking to herself that after twenty years of progress, here was a fur fetishist out for a thrill. However, his closeness, his warm and bewitching gaze and smile, his soft touches, the kiss, and the strange and exotic possibilities of what he was suggesting, all tugged at her consciousness, further distracting her.

His hand on her thigh felt so nice. She was not a stranger to those touches, but with him it somehow felt new and exciting, another tiny tingle traveling through her. "And think what an adventure it will be..." he finally added.

Seeing the flicker of interest in her eyes, he continued "I'll tell you what foxy, I'm a betting man, so I'll play you a hand of any game you choose. If you win, you keep the money, we can part company, and you'll have no obligations. However, if you lose, you still get the money, but I get you, for the weekend that is," he finished, his smile broadening, but even with its lecherous undertones it was still warm and friendly.

That was finally enough to convince her, and she nodded her head slightly, still lost in the situation. He kissed her on the nose again, and then standing, waited a couple of moments to help her up on her unsteady feet.

Allowing her to regain her balance, he took her over to one of the nearby banking terminals. Reaching into his wallet, he retrieved his card and accessed his account, then nudging her out of her state of dreamy confusion, he took her card to complete the transaction. Afterwards she accessed her own account, and true to his word the money was there. Even with her mind as cloudy as it was, she felt reassured, knowing that with the proven encryption system, there was no way to fake a transaction like that, and no matter what happened, her money problems were over.

For the moment she had bigger things on her mind though, as she walked with him into the busy casino. After a few moments of deliberation, she chose black jack for the determination of her fate. Following him as he walked over to one of the tables, she saw him speak briefly with the dealer, who nodded in recognition, and then departed, leaving them to their private game.

Sitting down in front of the table, she watched as he deftly cut and shuffled the deck, her mind a melange of emotions. Then with bated breath she watched him deal the cards. Her first card was a two, while he drew a seven. Frowning slightly, she waited for the next deal. She was rewarded with a queen, while he only got a four, darting a glance up at him, she smiled, a little shyly, but with some amount of confidence. She was also surprised to realize she didn't really know how she wanted the game to turn out.

Pausing for a few moments, she finally let the words "hit me" fall from her mouth, holding her breath as his hand slowly reached for the deck. Turning the card over, drawing out the movement as long as possible, he finally set it down next to her other two for them both to see.

The moment of realization seemed to last almost forever, as she reached comprehension of the meaning of the ten before her, her decision finally having been made for her. Bringing her gaze up to look at him, feeling both nervous and excited, his only response was "bust," the single word flowing gently from his grinning lips.

His smile still warm, but satisfied, he took her arm and escorted her out of the casino, past the lobby and out front to a waiting limousine. The driver was standing ready beside the large, gleaming white vehicle, and was quick to open the door for them, admitting them into the plush burgundy interior. She momentarily felt out of place, next to this handsome and well-dressed man, in this luxurious car, with her only dressed in the economy, casual business wear of her dark blue dress pants and simple white blouse.

As the car's engine purred softly to life, and they pulled away from the building, gliding gently down the brilliantly-lit streets, she became even more excited, tinged with only the slightest bit of nervousness. Looking at her, and smiling yet again, he said "I'm glad that you came with me foxy. You're very pretty, and I hope we'll have a fun time together."

On the ride, leaving the city behind them, he was a perfect gentleman, putting his arm around her, but only caressing her side and shoulder. Reaching into a small compartment under the seat, he then retrieved a couple of glasses and a bottle. "Would you like some wine?"

Seeing her dubious expression he laughed and replied with "I've already got you for the weekend foxy, I don't need to get you drunk. I just thought you might enjoy it." Relaxing at that she took the drink and sipped at it, savoring its quality, then leaning against him, she sighed softly, deciding to enjoy the rest of the ride.

The time passed quickly, and they were soon at the entrance to his estate, stopping briefly for the gates in the high brick wall to silently open and admit them in. Once inside, it took a several more minutes for them to reach his house, as she peered out into the darkness, marveling at the expanse of his little kingdom, feeling the nervous excitement tingling through her.

His mansion was no less impressive, fitting the expanse of the estate perfectly, large but not monstrously so, all lit up in the splendor of warm elegance. She gasped lightly at seeing it, but did not have much time to take in the scene, as they soon came to a stop and she was escorted in by his side, the limo pulling back into the darkness behind them.

Walking through the house, passing through several ornate and beautiful rooms, they finally stopped in a luxurious, yet cozy sitting room. Turning to look at her, running his hands through her hair, lightly stroking an ear, then down the side of her face, he smiled. "Time to get you out of these clothes foxy."

His statement surprised her, as he'd been so courteous and indirect in the car, but understanding the situation, she gave him a gentle smile of her own, then, not unwillingly, she began to slowly undo the buttons of her blouse.

Chuckling at that, he replied, "no foxy, not that... not yet. What I meant is that I'd like you to change into something more appropriate for what I have planned. If you go into that room there, you'll find what I've had picked out for you."

Slightly bemused by his request, she entered the room, closing the door behind her, not really for modesty, but playing along with his wishes. Turning to the bed of what must have been one of his guest rooms, she saw the attire he was referring to, letting out a small squeal of surprised delight.

For there on the bed lay a beautiful blue dress, its silken fabric adorned with pretty lace borders along the sleeves and bottom hem. Reaching out to touch the garment, her fingers glided along its sheer elegance. It was easily by far the best dress she'd ever worn, and at the moment it seemed like the most gorgeous one she'd ever seen.

Beside the dress there was a set of a black lace bra and matching panties, she wasted no time in removing her clothes, which paled in comparison to the costume he'd provided for her. Slipping into the undergarments, she turned to look at herself in the full-length mirror, admiring her reflection, the black lace a perfect contrast to the soft white fur running down the front of her, from her muzzle trailing down to her inner thighs. Gazing at herself, she felt the tingling excitement building within her once again, joined by a distinct erotic undertone.

The whole scene made her feel sexy, the troubles of her stupidity at the casino long forgotten, she felt really good. A small part of her consciousness reminded her what he had in store for her, but she dismissed it eagerly. She'd been involved in these brief encounters before, they'd been fun and in one or two cases very intense, not to mention that Mr. Robinson was very good-looking, and also very sexy. She briefly remembered that he was paying for her affections, but the unbelievable amount, combined with the other dream-like aspects of the situation, and his warmth and charm all made it seem like a wonderful fantasy being fulfilled.

Even the thought of two other men joining him didn't break the mood, instead making it a little hotter. Everything had such a strong fantasy setting to it, like being lost in the world of a romance novel, and the promise of testing out some of her hidden desires was very erotic. Running her hands down her sides, feeling her fingers glide through her fur, tiny tingles spasmed through her, then realizing that he was waiting for her, she quickly put on the dress.

The garment fit her almost perfectly, and the effect was stunning. The light blue of the fabric complimented her rich red fur, with the sleeves cut very short, exposing most of her arms, showing the beautiful transition to the black fur of the "gloves" running from her finger tips to just below her elbows. The neckline was cut in a liberal "V", exposing a fair amount of her white neck and cleavage, but still leaving enough to the imagination. The dress was tailored for furries, with a slit for her tail, and it ended a few inches below her knees, showing off the black "boot" fur of her plantigrade feet. She didn't bother to wear any shoes, as he hadn't provided any, and her modest dress ones would be painfully out of place with the rest of her attire.

Finished admiring herself in the mirror, she turned and walked to the door, then after feeling a slight tinge of shyness, opened it, entering into the room, presenting herself to his appreciative gaze. His eyes quickly perusing her form, he answered her silent question, "you look beautiful foxy;" again she felt the blood rush to her face, warming her whole body.

"Do you like the dress I picked out for you?"

"Yes, very much... it's beautiful."

"Then I'll have another one made for you when you leave."

Stunned, she blurted out a "thank you."

"You're quite welcome foxy, it isn't any trouble, and you deserve something this beautiful... but there's still one thing missing." Turning to a nearby table, he retrieved a black-leather choker, with a small green gem set in the front of it. Deftly clasping it around her neck, feeling the small shiver run through her as his hands touched her, he placed a finger on her nose playfully. "There, that's better," he added, with her smile matching his.

"Now, it's about time that we get down to business," his smile was still warm, but becoming slightly predatory.

"Have you ever heard about hunting foxy?"

"Ummm, you mean like for animals?" she replied, her voice confused, "I didn't think anyone did that anymore?"

"True, it's lost favor over the years, but that's not exactly what I was talking about. You see, I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and I've come to enjoy a new variety of prey, and the challenges and rewards they offer..."

"You don't mean...?" she gasped, her eyes widening, another shiver passing through her.

"Yes foxy, I told you I was a little eccentric, and that I enjoyed the company of furries." Then putting his hand softly on her shoulder, "it's okay, it's not like a real hunt, more like a game, just for show. I told you we wouldn't hurt you and I'm true to my word, the greatest of care will be taken to make sure your safety is guaranteed."

"But, but I don't understand... why?"

"Indulgence of a fantasy foxy, you're so beautiful, the perfect melding of human and animal, sleek and sexy, I find it very attractive, and exciting. It's like a play foxy, all centered around you, and if you relax and go with it, I hope you'll enjoy it. It's very much like the noble fox hunting of the past, where the prize is the fox's beautiful pelt, though we enjoy it differently now," he finished with a wink.

Again her thoughts were muddled, his suggestion so perverse, but not without intrigue. Again he was singling out furries as a source of pleasure, but even now his demeanor was still warm enough to suggest that's not all he thought of her. Perhaps his ideas were just elaborate games for the bedroom, and she was reminded of her own fantasies. Still, the thought of being chased like that through the night was more than a little unnerving, even if it was supposedly all in fun.

"You don't have to worry like that," he added, reading her expression. "We've done this many times before, and it's perfectly safe... Come and see." With that he led her towards the windows, flipping a switch on the wall. At once the back of his estate was lit by multiple of lights, placed throughout its wide expanse, illuminating their surroundings with a soft glow.

Looking out the window, she observed the small forest he'd created, with many different trees covering just about all of the field of view, placed close enough together to provide cover to hide in, but not too close, their lower branches manicured to provide easy passage through them.

Smiling at her amazement, he turned his head towards her. "It's wonderful isn't it foxy? It was a lot work to create and maintain, but it's worth it. I keep the grounds carefully groomed, so you won't have to worry about getting your lovely feet cut on any rocks or fallen branches. It's all designed to allow easy movement for you to freely run and hide during the hunt, think of it as an elaborate game of hide and seek, with higher stakes involved."

Still confused, she looked at him as he slipped a hand around her, trailing down her side, brushing past her breast, to rest at her waist. What had she gotten herself into? Was she up for this, and could she trust him? However, if he was going to hurt her, he could have easily done so already. Again he was making her feel very special, warm and sexy; she was a little surprised to find that part of her did indeed want this, more fantasies bubbling to the surface of her mind.

As if reading her building enthusiasm, he continued. "The game works like this: you get a fifteen minute head-start, where you can run anywhere inside the woods to hide, then the hunt begins. Now you know I'm a betting man foxy, so to make things interesting, for every ten minutes you elude us, an additional five thousand will be deposited in your account, and if you can keep from being caught for a whole hour, you get the money and can leave with no strings attached."

Pausing he added, "of course you can let yourself be found as soon as you want to, but I think we'd all have more fun with a suspenseful hunt. After all, we have plenty of time to play," he finished with another wink.

Taking a couple of moments and lightly stroking at her side, reaching down to her buttocks, he parted the slit of her dress and gave the base of her tail a playful stroke. Feeling her reaction, he continued until he elicited the tiniest of gasps from her.

"There, now that you know the rules, we might as well begin foxy, okay?"

She found herself nodding, then walking with him through the hallways, his hand still warmly against her butt, they came to the doorway leading out into the playing field.

As he opened it a slight breeze flowed in, ruffling the fabric of her dress. The night air was cool, but not uncomfortable, and it heightened her senses and added to the scenery of the fantasy. Gazing out into the miniature forest, lit with an eerie and dreamlike quality, a few small shivers danced along her spine, mingling with the conflicting impulses within her.

Easing her through the doorway, he stood behind her a moment, before breaking the silence. "Here we are, you've got fifteen minutes until the hunt begins... Go and have fun with it." Then with a playful pat on her butt, he was gone, shutting the door behind him.

She stood there, contemplating the situation, for possibly a minute, before walking forwards, daring to brave the forest. Entering the trees, the way was fairly easy, slipping between the spaces of the branches, her path lit by the pale lights, the thick grass soft on her padded feet.

Picking up the pace slightly, her dress making it difficult to move too quickly, she was soon far enough into the woods, so when she turned around the mansion was no longer visible. Trying to sort through her feelings, the nervousness and excitement, and the underlying erotic twinges, she continued moving forward.

Several minutes later, her thoughts were interrupted by the sounding of a single note, played from a brass horn, long and drawn out, low and eerily beautiful, sounding very noble. The hunt was on.

In the moments of silence afterwards, she could easily hear the deafening beat of her heart in her eardrums, her panting loud against the emptiness of the woods. Quickening her pace, her pulse racing, she soon came to the brick wall separating his estate from the real world.

Stopping and staring at it, she reached out a hand to touch the cool bricks, looking up at the rim, several feet above her head, the surface too smooth to climb. Glancing sideways along it, the gentle curvature of the wall was barely even noticeable, as it held her in these woods, keeping her in the fantasy. Finally breaking from her brief reverie, she skirted along the wall for several hundred feet, before doubling back into the woods.

Time passed, perhaps half an hour gone by, both achingly slow with nervousness, and rushed in the excitement of her haphazard trailings through the forest. Her senses elevated, her mind kept running over the situation of the game, trying to escape detection from the mysterious and unknown hunters out there stalking her, knowing full well what her capture would bring, tingling with excitement and apprehension.

As the time passed, however, and the elusive safety of the time-out drew nearer, she began to calm down. Perhaps, just maybe, she could outwit them, after all, the expanses of the estate were big enough for her to get lost in, at least for an hour, and they couldn't cover all of it in that amount of time. As her pace slowed, still keeping some of her cautiousness, her thoughts returned to the goal of the game. With a little smile, she wondered if she might like to stay and play anyway, even if she did win.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted though, by a rustling off to the side and behind her. Turning quickly, she saw a figure emerging from the branches between trees, stepping into the pale light. She was doubly surprised by the intrusion, for instead of a human which she'd expected, a German shepherd morph peered back at her.

Taking the instant her body needed to react, her eyes froze a snap shot of her hunter, tall and strong, but not overly-muscular, his golden-brown and black body covered in a simple pair of shorts and an open vest, exposing the richness of his light chest fur. Standing there barefoot, his body was almost perfect, and were the situation different she would've given him more than a simple once-over glance, but as it was, her body was reacting quickly to the infusion of adrenaline.

Starting to turn, she saw his mouth open slightly a pink tongue poking out. He reacted as quickly as she did, his eyes sparkling, yipping several excited barks from his muzzle. Then she was off, with him in hot pursuit. She had the advantage of several feet on him, running with all the speed she could muster, but it was a loosing battle, his stronger legs obviously used to this kind of exercise.

Dodging through the branches of nearby trees, feeling them lightly scrape against her in several locations, the fabric of her dress developed small tears where it snagged on the groping twigs. The sound of her breathing rasping loudly in her ears, she glanced back to see him closing the distance. Trying a desperate move, she hooked her feet into the soft ground, pushing off and lunging to her right, plowing through the branches of more trees, almost stumbling into the small clearing there.

Adjusting her body, gaining her balance with almost gymnastic skill, her eyes glimpsed a flicker of motion to the left of her, slightly in front. Instinctively snapping her head towards the disturbance, she caught the sight of a second German shepherd closing in on her, his eyes locked onto her, his mouth open partway and panting excitedly, his canine ears standing at attention.

Choking back a gasp, her lungs beginning to burn, she tried to change direction once again, but in an instant he was upon her, clutching his strong arms about her, the momentum of their collision tossing them both to the ground where they landed with a dull thud.

The world closing in on her, fighting back against breathlessness, the few moments stretched out endlessly, as she gradually became aware once more of the warm furry mass atop her, holding her firmly against the soft ground. Regaining her senses and strength, she struggled against him, useless as her arms were pinned by his weight.

Recovering his own breath, the shepherd looked down at her, a gleam in his eyes, tongue extended for his panting, but not without its lascivious intentions. A gentle brushing sound attracted her attention, as the first of her hunters reached her, also panting, but managing to lick his muzzle in anticipation, his tail wagging behind him.

Staring up at him, her pulse racing, her eyes took in the sight of his body, now towering over her from the angle of her vantage point. Her mind ablaze with conflicting emotions, her eyes were drawn down his abdomen, to the prolific bulge of his excitement straining against the material of his shorts. Letting out a gasp as the shepherd above her began sniffing at her neck, she watched the other slowly approach her.

Kneeling beside her, he threw his head back and let out a barking howl, his vocal chords obviously practiced in the feat, as they perfectly mimicked those of his cousins whom he'd been uplifted above. Pausing for a deep breath, he repeated the call, then again twice more.

Shortly, the branches of the clearing were parted with a good deal of rustling, the need for stealth no longer necessary. Looking up from her furry captors, her eyes rested on Mr. Robinson, dressed in authentic English riding attire, complete with knickers and boots, his short coat a brilliant red.

Walking to stand in front of them, observing the exotic tableau before him, he brought his gaze down to rest on her, grinning with victory and expectation. "Well, I see the hunt has been successful" he said, then looking at the shepherd kneeling beside her, whose paw was tracing the rim of her muzzle, he asked "did you enjoy tracking our cute little foxy, Rex?"

His eager answer was "very much so, Mr. Robinson;" the first words either of the shepherds had spoken, breaking part of the illusion of their feral virility.

"Now foxy, let me introduce you to the boys, though I see they've already started getting acquainted," the line delivered with another playful wink. "This is T-Bone," placing his shoulder on the shepherd who had tackled her, and had now risen to a kneeling stance above her, "and this is Rex," gesturing to the one on her other side.

"Come on boys, let's help her up," with that they both took a good grip on her arms, and stood up, easing her into a kneeling position, keeping a firm hold on her.

Smiling, Mr. Robinson continued, "you put up a very good chase foxy, eluding us for forty-seven minutes... but now the hunt is over, and as the victors, it's time for us to claim our prize."

Reaching out to stroke the tip of her pointed ear, chuckling as it flickered slightly, he ran his fingers through her auburn hair. Trailing down past her temple and over her cheek, delighting at the rich softness of her fur, his hands paused at her neck, her breathing bated as he studied her.

"Hmmm, let's take a look at the fox's pretty pelt, shall we?" he asked, again with the playful smile, full of confidence.

Grasping at the neckline of her dress, his hands were quick and strong, pulling the fabric apart roughly with a soft tearing sound. Feeling her shiver as he exposed the lacy fabric of her bra, he pushed the short sleeves down her arms, showing more of her white belly fur. His hands moving downward, tugging at the giving fabric, he didn't stop until her garment was parted down the middle, the two shepherds releasing her just briefly to shred the remaining material on her arms. The tattered remains of the dress falling behind her, she was clad simply in the leather choker, and the thin black fabric of her underwear, the red and white of her fur shining beautifully in the soft and dreamy light around them.

"You're beautiful foxy," he said as one hand found her side, the other snaking around behind her head. Bringing his lips to her face, he kissed her again, this time on the muzzle, parting her thin black lips with hot insistence. Overwhelmed by his attentions, she responded, opening her mouth to him, her tongue finding his.

Lost in the kiss, she was still aware of his hands finding the clasp of her bra, stroking her spine there, then releasing the snap. Pulling back ever so slightly from her, still keeping his lips against her, he provided enough room for her bra to slip from her, with some assistance, his warm hand then finding one of her breasts.

At the same time, the shepherds were becoming more involved, as she felt T-Bone's hot breath on her neck, and Rex's playful nipping on her ear. Lost in the moment, small tingles running throughout her, it all felt so erotic, surrounded by these handsome and sexy males, the center of their attentions.

Feeling Mr. Robinson's hand move from cupping her breast, with a final teasing touch over her nipple, her shivers followed his fingers as they played down her belly. Skating the rim of her panties, then traveling down the sides of the garment, he stroked at her inner thighs, and was rewarded by her opening her legs wider to him.

Easing off on their kiss, he pulled his head away, leaving her panting slightly, her eyes locked on him intently. Placing his hands behind her, running fingers over the curves of her buttocks to tease at the base of her tail, he finally ripped the lacy fabric, releasing her to the cool night air.

Rising from his crouched position, he stepped back to look at her, now exposed to them, naked save for the choker decorating her neck. His eyes traveled down her body, pausing at her firm breasts, her pink nipples erect, poking through the soft white fur. Then following the gentle slope of her belly down to her pussy he smiled, seeing the lightly-furred lips of her labia exposed, and already wet.

When he'd ceased his ministrations, the shepherds had been all too eager to attend to her, as Rex was now licking at her muzzle, with T-Bone having moved his mouth to a breast, lapping contentedly, to the soft sighs of her obvious approval. Both of them still had their grip on her arms, but had released it slightly, keeping it there as a gentle reminder.

Stepping out of his boots, Mr. Robinson watched the second shepherd nibble lightly at her nipple. Feeling his excitement build, he was still deliberate with his undressing, making sure she was watching him, first removing his elegant coat with a smile. Finally, as he was dropping his underwear, the other two males eased off from their attentions. Knowing what to do, they both led her hands down and in front of her, bringing her down to all fours.

Looking up at the human as he approached, her mouth open expectantly, she eyed his erection as he knelt in front of her. Extending her soft canine tongue, she licked at his flesh, giving him a single teasing lap along the underside, from the base to the tip of the head, her taste buds catching the hint of his essence beading there.

"Mmmm, that's a good foxy," he sighed, his hand running through her hair.

He let her pluck his sensitive nerves that way for a couple of minutes, her tongue sliding over his flesh, until his cock was slick with her saliva, but when she opened her mouth to take him, he stopped her. "Not yet foxy," his voice was gentle but commanding, also revealing his excitement. Backing up to place a playful finger on her nose, trailing down her muzzle, he smiled once more, then moving behind her.

Trailing his hands down her body once again, running his thumbs over her spine, touching her sides with his fingertips, he brushed by her breasts, making the briefest of contacts before gliding closer towards his goal. Reaching her hips he took her bushy tail and stroked it with both hands, from the base to the pretty white patch of fur at its tip. Slipping his fingers in between her buttocks, he teased the sensitive area under the base of her tail as she let out a moan, hiking her hips, raising her tail to expose her sex to him.

Grabbing onto her hips, he slipped inside her, giving her the release they'd been building up to. Moaning again, louder this time, she closed her eyes and pushed back against him as she felt him take her. Panting in time with their movements, she moved her hips against his as he began to ride her.

Lost in the rhythms of their lovemaking, a gentle hand at her muzzle caught her attention, opening her eyes she saw Rex, now naked in all his glory, kneeling expectantly in front of her. Opening her mouth to him, following the guide of his hand, she brought her muzzle to his erect manhood. He sighed as her soft wetness closed over the pink cock extending from his furry sheath, her tongue caressing his flesh as she began to suckle.

Being taken from both ends, as Mr. Robinson grunted softly behind her, and the shepherd at her front yipped at her ministrations, her whole body tingled with erotic energy. It was incredible, not just physically, though the human thrusting into her is very skilled, but it was also being the focus of these two male's attentions, sandwiched between them, she felt so hot and sexy. Enjoying the experience, feeling the human driving her to a building pleasure, moving in time with his thrusts, she continued to suck at Rex's cock as the shepherd's hands caressed her head, trailing gently through her hair.

Shortly, Mr. Robinson's thrusts became quicker and more desperate, grasping at her hips tightly, riding her with even more enthusiasm, pushing onward with desperate insistence. Finally, with a low, moaning grunt, he climaxed inside her. Following suit, Rex soon began his own spasms, flooding her with his musky essence, which she swallowed eagerly, nursing him dry.

Recovering, their breathing slowing down to normal, they both pulled out of her, her pussy quivering at the sensations. With a playful pat on her butt, Mr. Robinson left her, moving off to the side. Rex, having been lapped clean with her tongue was obviously ready for more. Grinning, he moved behind her, while T-Bone taking the cue, crawled slowly towards her, offering his prize to her mouth.

Letting her lick at the tan fur of his balls and sheath, T-Bone let out a low growl of pleasure. Guiding her up to the pink skin of his wanting sex, the shepherds then mounted her simultaneously, T-Bone slipping his cock into her mouth as she moaned in pleasure, her senses heightened at being taken for the second time.

Watching the two shepherds work her from both ends, Mr. Robinson smiled, feeling the fire returning to his loins. Absently stroking his erection, he was intent on the scene before him, the three furries lost in each other, looking so wild, yet also so human, the whole picture an erotic masterpiece of forms and color, the exotic bodies lost in the heat of passion.

As the two shepherds took her, she was lost in the moment once again, consumed by the power of the situation, the fiery energy of the two males concentrated on her, flowing to the very core of her being. Her whole body tingling, her mind ablaze, lost in the wonderful frenzy, her thoughts were a whirlwind as she gladly took on the efforts of the two lovers concentrating on her. As Rex continued to pump her enthusiastically, and T-Bone's hands stroked her as he held her to him, she felt the rush of a second climax overtake her, washing over her senses, the spasms running deeply through her.

Waiting patiently for the two shepherds to finish, each with subdued howls, mainly for effect, Mr. Robinson finally took his place at her mouth, with T-Bone eagerly moving behind her. Letting her catch her breath, he gently stroked the back of her neck as the shepherd teased her nether lips with the head of his glistening cock. Looking up at the human, her mouth parted in a panting smile, her desire mirroring his.

Taking the human in her mouth, she pushed back against the shepherd entering her willing thighs. With him riding her as hard as he could manage, she focused her energy on the cock in front of her. Grunting from the effort, but still enjoying the attentions, she worked the human's cock with vigor, her efforts only easing off slightly as the spasms of another orgasm rippled through her.

Her efforts paid off, as she brought Mr. Robinson to his own climax, his salty fluids spilling over her tongue. After he withdrew and she had licked him clean, T-Bone was still busy working on her. Feeling another wave of pleasant exhaustion hit her, she dropped her shoulders, resting her head on the soft ground, panting, her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

Holding firmly onto her hips, the shepherd continued to take her while the other two males looked on with great interest. Finally surging into her, he threw his head back, his eyes fluttering and his mouth falling open in a silent gasp as he pumped his essence into her.

While T-Bone took a short breather, Mr. Robinson gently rolled her onto her back, her body laid out before him. Stroking her muzzle, he watched her eyes open and look at him, as she managed a tired but happy and sated smile.

"That was wonderful foxy, did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yes," she replied, still panting slightly, "thank you."

"You're very welcome, and thank you... You're a very beautiful and energetic partner."

As he moved his hand downward, cupping one of her breasts once again, she sighed and closed her eyes. Bringing his other hand to play along her thighs, he slipped into her, chuckling slightly as she gasped once again in the pleasure.

Working a couple of fingers into her, he rubbed her slowly and gently for several minutes, then slipping out, and trailing downward to the pucker of her anus. Teasing her opening, she gasped as he slowly pressed his fingertip into her. The tingles of sensation were new but pleasant, so she let him continue, feeling an enjoyable sleepy feeling envelope her, content to relinquish control to him once again.

Taking his time, he finally worked a finger into her, pleased by her reactions, feeling the tightness gradually loosen up with the relaxation of her body. After several more minutes of gentle stroking, he finally leaned forward to whisper, "there, I think you're ready for us."

Aroused from her dreaminess, she opened her eyes to look at him, surprised by his suggestion. Looking up to see the two shepherds in the background, she became a little more nervous as she watched T-Bone happily rubbing lubricant on Rex's cock, with him smiling in approval.

"Shhh foxy, you can trust me... We won't hurt you" Mr. Robinson said, his voice soft and caring once again. A moment later, while easing his finger out of her, feeling her shiver, he leaned over to kiss her nose.

Watching him get up, making room for Rex to kneel in front of her, she let the shepherd lift her legs, hooking her feet behind him, holding onto her thighs. Looking up at him, her thoughts were once again confused, clouded by a happy tiredness, but still feeling hot and sexy at his touch. Laying there, sinking into the soft ground, she surrendered herself to him once again, trusting and convinced by the erotic sparks rekindling within her.

Closing her eyes, she sighed as he pushed softly against her anus, easing his way in. Her exhaustion had left her relaxed and thanks to Mr. Robinson's careful attentions, it was an easy entrance for him and Rex let out his own gasp as he felt her hot tightness surround him.

Moving slowly, allowing her to get accustomed to the sensations, he gently built up speed, his breathing becoming more labored, his tongue hanging out of his mouth in abandon. Meanwhile, she'd given into the tiredness, and was in the peaceful state between waking and sleep, the strange sensations building within her, plateauing in small waves of gentle pleasure.

Looking down at her, the sight of her laid out before him, lost in the pleasure, drove Rex onward. Working at a deliberate pace, he finally shuddered as the slow waves of his orgasm passed through him, his climax filling her bowels as she moaned softly beneath him.

T-Bone was next to take her, with Mr. Robinson finishing it, both of them taking their time, their climaxes slow in coming. By that time she was almost completely asleep, a happy and contented smile across her muzzle, lost in the dream of the pleasures bestowed upon her as he rocked her body gently with his lovemaking.

Having reached his final climax, he took several moments to catch his breath before standing up from his crouched position. Turning to the two shepherds he asked "So boys, did you have a good time tonight?" his smile already knowing the answer.

"You bet we did," T-Bone answered, with Rex nodding enthusiastically in agreement, a grin of his own splashed across his muzzle. "She's definitely a hot one... You sure do know how to pick them."

Chuckling, he replied "yes she was very fun," as they started dressing, "I'm glad I found her when I did."

Pulling on his pants he added, "we'll let her get a good night's sleep, and I'll have Lucy look in on her in the morning, to get her a warm bath and breakfast." He nodded to Rex, who taking the cue bent down and gently picked up the sleeping vixen. She moaned softly as his arms surrounded her, curling her warm body against his.

Smiling at that, Mr. Robinson slipped into his boots, finishing with "then tomorrow afternoon, I think we'll see what she's up for. After all, she'll be staying with us for the whole weekend... and with how much she seems to be enjoying herself, we might be able to convince her to stay on longer with us..."

Copyright 1995, 1996, Will A. Sanborn -