The Morning After

Will A. Sanborn

5/26 - 5/29/97

As the morning light filtered softly in through the curtains, Warren stirred. Yawning, the fox opened his eyes, blinking the sleep from them; feeling the warmth of the snow leopard sleeping next to him, he felt a smile creep across his muzzle. Waking up next to someone was an old, familiar sensation he'd missed lately, though waking up next to another male certainly put an interesting spin on things.

Licking the sleep from his muzzle, he turned to look at the sleeping feline form of his friend Lance. Regarding him, he listened to his soft breathing as the spotted cat lay in a peaceful slumber. Moving against the leopard, Warren was slow and soft in his movements, not wanting to wake his friend, at least not yet.

Feeling the warmth of his friend, the fox closed his eyes once again and let his mind wander. Hearing the rhythmic breathing of his companion, his thoughts drifted to the night before. It had been a little strange touching Lance last night, and having his friend touch him. It'd been his first time with another male, and although it had been a little odd at first, Lance had been very good and understanding with him. It was still a little hard to sort everything out, but he was feeling surprisingly fairly comfortable with it.

A small smile crept across his muzzle as he thought about it, the smile was slightly awkward, but genuine, as his mind wandered to the events of the previous evening. There was the experimentation, the simple touching, getting more intimate as the night had moved on. Overall it had been nice, and he was glad he'd been able to do it, especially with such a good friend. It had been awkward at first, and he guessed it still felt a little strange, but it was something he wanted to pursue, at least for the moment. Looking down at Lance his smile broadened. He was thankful for his friend's gentle guidance and he wanted to spend some more playful, intimate time with him. It was time to wake the sleeping feline up.

Moving his hand up, he tentatively ran his fingertips through Lance's spotted light-brown hair. Warren the slowly traced the outline of the leopard's ear, stifling back a chuckle as he felt it quiver instinctively against his touch. He played with Lance's ear for a few moments, before realizing something more would be needed to wake him. Bringing his hand down slightly, he touched the sleeping feline's shoulder. Running the black fur of his fingers and their velvet pads gently through the soft, spotted gray fur of his friend, he soon heard the faintest of sighs escaping from the leopard's closed muzzle.

Given that sign, he redoubled his efforts, stroking the fur beneath his fingertips, running his touch lightly down Lance's arm. He heard another soft sigh as his friend was drawn warmly back into consciousness. Reaching over the half-sleeping feline he curled his arm around him to play with the downy-white fur of his chest. In his mind he recognized the differences in touching another male intimately, but after the first tentative steps of the night before it had become to feel comfortable for him.

Letting his hand play along Lance's chest, feeling the fur glide beneath his fingertips, Warren waited for more signs of life from his friend. He certainly was a heavy sleeper, but the task before him of bringing him to wakefulness was definitely enjoyable. It was nice knowing the simple act of his touch was giving his friend some pleasure, and that helped push him on in his explorations. After several more gentle sighs from Lance, and feeling him shift his body slightly against him, Warren pressed against him a little more. He brought his muzzle up near the leopard's ear. "Good morning," he whispered, punctuating it with a gentle stroke along the feline's belly, moving his hand deeper beneath the sheets.

"Mmmm, it certainly is..." his friend replied, a soft hint of a purr in his voice.

As Warren continued to softly touch him, Lance slowly shifted position, rolling over on his back. Turning on his side, he faced the fox, a sleepy smile on his muzzle. Regarding the fox and feeling his hand now tracing along the contours of his shoulder once again, Lance reached out to run his fingers through Warren's auburn hair. Moving his face closer to his friend's, Lance brought their muzzles together, their lips contacting in a slow, gentle kiss.

It wasn't their first kiss, they'd tried that a few times the night before, but it still caught Warren off guard. He hesitated briefly, feeling a little unsure and awkward, then thinking of the intimacy he was sharing with his friend, he slowly relaxed. With Lance holding Warren against him, the fox melted gradually into the kiss, falling into his embrace. Moments passed slowly, their muzzles joined together, their hands roaming lightly across one another. Their eyes closed, softly touching each other, they dragged the kiss out, dreamily sharing the warmth between them.

Lance finally broke their kiss, easing off and pulling away ever so slightly from Warrens mouth. As Warren half-opened his eyes to look back at him, Lance gave the fox a playful lick on his nose. "So, did you have a good time last nigh?" the leopard asked, stroking the warm red fur of the small of Warren's back.

"Yeah, I did," he replied with a gentle sigh. Waiting a moment, his own hand busy running his fingers through his friend's fur, Warren continued. "It was definitely different... a little strange at first, and I hope I wasn't too awkward..."

"No of course not, Warren, you were fine."

"I did like it too... It was nice... as is this..." He punctuated his remark by gently nuzzling against the leopard's neck and shoulder.

"Mmmm, yes... and I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I didn't want to push you into anything you weren't ready for."

"No need to worry about that... I'm still getting used to this, but taking things slow, it's working out fine..."

"That's good... and thank you."

"Thank you too... It's just nice spending time with a good friend this way."

"Yes it is... I'm glad we got to do this Warren."

"Me too..." the fox replied, and ended with a soft sigh as Lance punctuated his statement by running his fingers down the fox's spine and over his buttocks.

"You like that do you?" the leopard asked with a smirk, looking down at his friend, a sparkle in his eyes.

"Of course I do silly," Warren replied with a playful bat to Lance's ear. "Perhaps I'll try that and see how you like it..."

Moving his hand downward, Warren readied to continue and explore the furry contours of his friend's back once again. He stopped briefly to first trace the outline of one of the many spots on Lance's shoulder, meeting the feline's smile with one of his own as he did so. Reaching down under the covers once again, he slowly traced his touch lower down his friend's body.

Running his fingers along the leopard's sides, he was a little surprised to feel Lance quiver lightly under his touch. He remembered from the night before that his friend was ticklish there. He chuckled softly as Lance reacted to his touching along the leopard's sensitive areas, down the sides of his belly.

He was kind to his friend though, as torturing him that way didn't seem to fit the mood, and he moved his explorations onward. Coming to the gentle curves of Lance's buttocks, he glided his touch over them. Hearing his friend sigh gently at his touches he was spurred onward once again. They continued to touch one another, their hands absently roaming up and down each others backs, pressing against one another, their eyes closed with contentment. The simple warmth between them soon had Warren even more relaxed.

Lost in the sensations, Warren's mind wandered slightly. Lost in his thoughts, he couldn't believe how wonderful and different, but also how familiar it all felt. There he was laying in bed cuddling with someone who before last night had just been his friend. He'd occasionally wondered what being with another male might be like, but it had always seemed like idle thoughts. He'd never really imagined he'd ever be going through with it. Lance had been a good friend to him, and as their friendship had deepened, it had eventually led to this.

Sighing softly he still felt a little awkward about the situation, but at the same time it did feel so nice, and so right just laying their with his friend. It was a warm, comfortable sort of intimacy, pushing their friendship to the next level. It wasn't the same as being with a female, and even if it maybe wasn't as passionate, it still felt cozy. Closing his eyes he didn't try to analyze the situation too deeply, and decided to just enjoy the time with his friend instead.

Lance got a little playful and as his hand snaked down across Warren's buttocks once again, he slipped his touch under the fox's tail. Pressing lightly between the cleft of his cheeks, he made contact with the sensitive flesh there, brushing against the nerves at the root of his tail. It was then Lance's turn to chuckle warmly as Warren let out a long, steady sigh. The fox paused his own explorations of Lance's body as he got lost in the sensations.

It wasn't long after before Warren returned the favor to his feline friend and now bedmate. Reaching down, he took Lance's thicker tail in his fingers, running them along it slightly, before exploring the leopard's own sensitive regions; by that time, the purr in Lance's moans was quite pronounced.

Nuzzling his friend's cheek as they continued to softly touch one another, Warren was feeling a little bolder and soon had another inspiration. Trailing his fingers down the leopard's side once again, he moved his touch in between the two of them. Moving his fingers down Lance's belly, he slowly crept toward his intended destination. He was rewarded with a small purr of pleasant surprise from his friend as his hands found the leopard's sheath and his balls below.

His touch was soft and deliberate, not as tentative as it had been the night before. Stroking his fingers downward, he cupped Lance's balls gently, feeling their contour. Moving his touches slowly upwards, he ran them along the soft white fur of the leopard's sheath; he heard another low purr escape Lance's open muzzle.

His touch becoming more insistent, he stroked along the sheath, feeling life seeping into the leopard's manhood. Then grasping his fingers around the growing hardness, he slowly pumped him to a full erection. Tracing his fingers over his friend's cock, he was spurred on by the moment, and enjoyed the positive feedback of Lance's audible appreciation.

Lance had rolled back over on his side and Warren moved his touch to fondle his balls once again. Darting his fingers down just below them, he heard Lance let out another heady purr of pleasure. Lance's hand soon found Warren's own manhood, which was already almost fully hard with his excitement.

Gasping softly as Lance touched his eager sex, Warren felt the leopard's fingers run along its length. His touch was soft at first, sending shivers down Warren's spine as he caressed the fox's cock gently. Dipping his hand down he let his fingers explore Warren's balls, fondling them softly. Cupping them, he gave them a gentle squeeze, then moved his fingers back up to fully encircle Warren's cock. Going in an deliberate motion he began to glide his fingers over the shaft, pumping his friend slowly.

Warren's moan was quite audible and he heard Lance chuckle softly, to be replaced by his own purrs of pleasure as Warren redoubled his efforts at stroking his friend's sex. Laying there, their hands moved gently over the other's loins, drawing out their pleasure in slow, fluid strokes. Once again Warren idly thought of how nice it felt to be enjoying this pleasure with his friend, happy that he could give back as much pleasure as he was receiving.

After a time, Lance turned his attention from Warren's cock, and slowly moved his fingers up along the fox's body, stroking along his back once again. Warren soon followed suit, holding onto his friend and pushing his body against him. Running his hands down along Warren's spine, Lance caressed his buttocks once again. While doing so, he brought one of his legs up, deftly maneuvering it between his friend's legs.

Warren reciprocated by moving his foot over and behind Lance's outstretched leg, making contact with the leopard's fur there with the sole of his foot. Their hands slowly gliding over each other's backs, snaking down to caress their tails and buttocks every so often, they held each other close. Pressing against one another insistently, their feet occasionally made contact, moving together under the covers.

Holding and caressing his friend, Warren could feel the firmness of Lance's cock pressing against him. At the same time, as they moved together slowly, he felt the gentle pressure of the leopard's leg against his own loins. His body alive with desire, he clutched at Lance who was grabbing at him and they moved together again, stroking each other with their bodies. Running his fingers down Lance's spine, he could feel the gentle give of the fur beneath his fingertips as his friends hand roamed just as generously over his back and sides.

They stayed like that for what felt like it had lasted all morning long, the minutes ticking off between them as they were lost in their intimate touches. After spending an ageless time together, their bodies pressed against one another's in a warm embrace, Lance turned his attention from caressing his friend to grab at the sheets still covering them. Taking the covers in his hand, he slowly pulled them downward, uncovering the two of them in a deliberate movement. Warren sighed as he felt the covers gliding over his body, the sheets ruffling along his fur.

Within moments Lance had the two of them uncovered, bare to the room and each other's gaze, the covers bunched down around their lower legs. Leaning his head against the Leopard's shoulder, Warren regarded his friend. Trailing his fingers upwards, he brought them over the feline's abdomen and up to his chest, the black-velvet of his hand parting the white fur of Lance's belly. Absently playing with one of the leopard's nipples, he spoke softly. "You look really nice in the fur, Lance..."

"Thank you Warren," his friend replied with a purr, trailing his hand down the red fur of the fox's side. "You're pretty cute yourself... especially when you're so eager like this." His hand found Warren's cock and his fingers encircled his shaft once again, slowly stroking him into blissfulness.

They stayed like that for several minutes, continuing to touch and stroke one another. Warren closed his eyes again and drank up the pleasure his friend was giving him, enjoying their closeness. Finally releasing his hold on Warren's cock, Lance then moved his hand slowly up the fox's chest. Stroking the soft white fur there, he asked "how about we get up and take a shower now?" the purr in his voice accenting his question.

"Yeah, I'd like that," Warren replied with a gentle smile.

Getting up, they walked out of the bedroom and down the hall, coming to Lance's bathroom. It didn't take long for Lance to get the water temperature settings correct and soon he'd climbed into the shower and beckoned for his friend to join him. Stepping into the warmth of the small chamber, Warren closed the sliding door behind him.

Warren sighed as the warm jets of water made contact with his body. The gentle streams of liquid running down him, his fur quickly became wet from the spray and he reveled in the sensations. There were just some times when a nice hot shower felt oh so good, and this morning was definitely one of them. As the warmth of the water flowed over his shoulders and down his back, he closed his eyes and let the tiny beads of the shower massage him. Tiny rivers of sensation cascaded down his back as he gave in to the relaxing call of the shower.

He heard Lance chuckling softly and opened his eyes briefly to see him standing there watching him. His friend was out of the main flow of the shower but he'd gotten wet as he was getting into it and there was still some spray hitting him. Lance's fur was matted down with water like his was. Warren had never seen his friend like this before and although all furries looked a little silly when wet, it was nice seeing him like that. He was a very handsome leopard and Warren was finding him attractive in the nude; even with wet fur he looked very good. Wet fur wasn't without its exciting connotations either, and taking a shower with his friend certainly promised to be enjoyable.

Smiling at him, Lance reached out to touch Warren on the nose, pressing his fingertip softly to the fox's muzzle. Warren met his smile, and darted his tongue out, giving the leopard's finger a gentle lick, slightly tentative, but also playful. They regarded each other silently for a few moments, Lance then wordlessly reached for the bottle of liquid soap. Opening it, he squirted a large portion of soap into his hand, a few random drops spilling over, out of his grasp, to fall to the floor.

Bringing his hands up, he let the liquid drip onto Warren's head and down the back of his neck onto his shoulders. Lance then began the slow process of working the soap into his friend's hair and fur, working up a generous amount of lather. Warren closed his eyes to prevent any soap from getting into them, and also to further enjoy Lance's wonderful ministrations.

After gently washing his hair and head, Lance worked on the fox's arms and shoulders, going slowly. Moving his way down, he worked all along Warren's back, going with slow, gentle massaging strokes, working the lather into his friend's fur with great care. With the warm, encompassing flow of the shower flowing down on him and Lance's wonderful touches as he worked to clean his fur, Warren felt his body relaxing under the sensations.

Holding on to the sides of the shower stall for support he was content to let his friend work on him. The heat of the shower seeping into every muscle and the steady rubbing of Lance's soapy hands against his body held him in a state of bliss. He dimly realized that his mouth was open and his tongue was protruding slightly, lolling out in his pleasure. He probably looked a little silly, but he didn't care, it felt too good to care about anything like that right then.

Soon Lance had finished with his legs and feet and had started in on his chest. His motions were a little slower there, working gently against the fox's white belly fur. Moving his hands downwards, he crept slowly toward his intended target, keeping Warren on the verge of expectation. Warren had his eyes open and he pleaded with his friend for the touch he so desperately needed. Lance traced his soapy fingers on the fox's lower belly several times, just barely out of reach of his once-again hardened cock before giving Warren the release of his touch.

As the leopard's fingers traced down the shaft of his cock to reach his balls, Warren let out an protracted moan. Cupping the fox's white furry balls with one hand, Lance moved his other to toy with the root of his tail. Warren's moans increased as the leopard massaged his balls, moving up to his sheath and tickling the base of his tail at the same time. As his friend gave him his intimate touch, Warren's eyes met his. Lance's green eyes were gleaming and the leopard's muzzle held a deliciously wicked grin.

The sensations built up within him, and Warren new it would be a quick release, especially from their long time of playing together. Lance's touch sent shivers through him and Warren could feel his desire building. Even so, the moments stretched out before him, feeling the warm water rushing over him, matting down his fur, every little river of fluid leaving a soft caress. The steam of the shower and the heat between the two of them was increasing, and all his attention was focused on Lance's kind ministrations on his manhood.

His friend's caresses were becoming more insistent and soon Lance was grasping his cock firmly, pumping him towards his impending climax. The heat of the shower washing over him, Warren felt the fire building within him, rushing to the culmination in his loins. His breathing labored, he continued to sigh as his friend worked him so kind and expertly.

All of a sudden it was upon him. The first wave of his climax hit him hard, and he could feel the power washing over him. He looked down to see a spurt of his seed splash forth and land on Lance's stomach. Holding onto the sides of the shower, pressing his hands against them for support, his legs felt weak as the spasms of his orgasm raced through his loins. His vision blurred, and he looked up at the sound of Lance's satisfied chuckle to see his friend smiling warmly at him.

Lance was still pumping him, a little slower, but still with the same insistence, and his orgasm stretched out. Wave after wave the moments extended for him as the spasms of his climax rippled through him. Finally they slowed to a stop and it was over, the long, glorious moment retreating into a happy memory. Lost in the comfortable dizziness of the afterglow, the heat and the energy took its effect on him.

His equilibrium faltering, if only slightly, Warren slumped against the wall of the shower briefly for support. His breathing was labored, but it quickly returned to normal. Catching his breath, he looked up at his friend once again to see the leopard grinning at him.

"So, did you have fun?" Lance asked, helping him to stand up fully, holding onto him until he regained his balance.

"You know I did silly... thank you..." Warren replied with his own soft laughter.

They fell into an embrace, their arms snaking around each other. Grasping tightly, Warren hugged his friend, feeling his warmth against him, Lance's hands grabbing him gently on his back. Standing there under the warmth of the shower, the heat of the spray of water washing down over them, Warren nuzzled his friend's cheek once again before moving his muzzle to Lance's lips.

The kiss was wonderful as he held his friend's wet and warm body to him, feeling the newfound intimacy between them. Their lips and tongues coming together, they continued the kiss for several long moments, their hands holding onto each other insistently.

Pulling away gently, Warren looked back at his friend the leopard and smiling, he simply said "come on, now it's your turn... we still need to get you cleaned up." Lance was quick to nod, and with an expectant grin playing across his muzzle, he reached down to grab the soap bottle and hand it to his friend.

Copyright 1997, Will A. Sanborn -