Night Swimming

Will A. Sanborn

11/8 - 11/13/97

A late night of driving brought the mouse there, to the river's edge, a special place he knew from years ago. He killed the engine and just sat there, thinking. He still didn't know why he'd come all that way, come out there again after all those years. Sighing to himself, he switched on the overhead light, flooding the inside of the car with illumination. Turning to the passenger seat beside him, he saw the old familiar photograph laying there.

He picked it up and held it gingerly as he looked at it, the memories breaking over him once again. Ten years, had it really been that long? It didn't seem that long ago. As he sat there however, remembering back to his time with her, it felt like whole a lifetime removed from the present. Even after all that time, the feelings were still so strong.

He cursed himself again as he felt his eyes stinging from the memories and his vision began to blur. Why was he doing this to himself? Why did he need to go through all of this again, after so long? It was late, what was he doing there? No matter what the reason though, he had come and he couldn't deny the feelings welling up within him.

Finally he knew what he'd come there for and with another sigh, he reached to open the car's door. Stepping out into the gentle air of the late-summer night he walked away from the car. He paused after a few steps, and waited for his eyesight to adjust to the faint light of the evening. Once he could make things out in the pale glow of the crescent moon and the stars, he continued, making his way towards the river.

He paused at the water's edge, remembering back to times from long ago. He thought of her again, her lithe otter form gliding through the water as they'd played in the river at their special swimming hole. In his mind's eye he could almost see her splashing out there in the water, beckoning him to come and join her. Thinking of their times spent together, he remembered all they'd shared between them.

It'd been more than swimming that they'd done in that secluded part of the river. A sad smile crossed his lips as he remembered the first night they'd snuck out there to go skinny dipping. It had been her idea, he thought as he pulled his shirt off, she'd always loved the water so much. They'd both been a little nervous, it was their first time for both of them, but being there, together in the water had made it seem so right.

They'd made love there that night, under the glow of the stars, the water gently lapping at their feet as they'd lain together on the bank of the river. Kicking off his shoes, he paused as his hand went for the button on his shorts. The memories were now rousing something else up inside him. A spark kindling in his loins, he felt its warmth flowing through him as his manhood began to stir to life. Pausing, his hand hesitated at the last bit of his clothing as more memories poured through him.

It was only fitting he thought sadly, as he pulled off his shorts and underwear, freeing his erection to the gentle caress of the night air. She would've loved to see him like that, standing there naked and ready once again as he returned to their old playing grounds. She would've been happy to accept his wordless offer as she gazed upon him from the water, joining him in his amorous mood.

Ignoring his arousal, he walked to the river and tested its temperature with his foot. It was cool, but inviting, and without any further hesitation, he entered the water. He took a few steps out, then jumped forward in a shallow dive, plunging into the river headfirst. Coming up for air, he sputtered once. He shivered slightly then relaxed as he adjusted to the coolness of the water. It had been a long time since he'd gone swimming, but the old sensations were familiar to him, and it was comforting.

Going further out, he came to the middle of the river and settled there. The water wasn't very deep, in fact it only came up to his chest. It had always been deep enough for playing in before though, for cooling off in the summer's heat and frolicking in the gentle current. Coming back there tonight, it was deep enough for swimming, and for remembering. Against the calmness of the secluded spot, he found himself at ease. The memories that were washing over him were now calmer in their insistence. Closing his eyes he relaxed against the gentle feel of the water surrounding him, just letting his thoughts drift.

He stayed like that for several minutes, lost in his thoughts, until a sound pulled him back to the present. It was a splash in the water near him, and opening his eyes, he saw the unmistakable and hauntingly-familiar form of the otter he'd known from so long ago. She must have swum under water to sneak up on him, for he hadn't heard her until she'd surfaced only a few feet away from him.

"Hello Jeff, come back for another night swim I see," she said as she smiled at him, shaking the water out of her hair.

"Alice?" he asked, his voice questioning the reality of her standing there before him. "But how... how can you be here?" Even as he said it, he'd known that he'd somehow expected to meet her there tonight. Perhaps that was the reason why he'd decided to drive all the way out there in the first place.

"Shhh Jeff," she replied, "don't question it, just enjoy it... okay?" With that she playfully swam around him, making a complete circle. She brushed her tail along his legs as she went behind him, and he shivered lightly as his memories rekindled old feelings.

She stopped in front of him again, and looked at him silently, her eyes sparkling in the starlight. She was closer than before, oh so close, and he looked upon her with bated breath. She was really there, she was close enough to touch. He held back though, pausing uncertainly, all those memories flooding through him.

Looking at her, his gaze wandered from her eyes which were softly calling to him, to the gentle smile she wore upon her lips. His eyes then drifted further downwards to see her bare breasts floating there, her nipples peeking above the water's surface. He hadn't realized it before, but now he knew that she was standing in front of him completely naked. She'd gone swimming just as he had, without anything on that could get in the way of the feel of the water. His pulse raced as he stared at her with anticipation, feeling the dull ache of his longing welling up within him.

She smiled at that, seeing his eyes admiring her and guessing at his thoughts. "Yes, Jeff, I've come skinny dipping tonight just as you have. You remember the first time we did this together, don't you?"

As he nodded, she bridged the gap between them, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her body against his. Her body was warm against the slight coolness of the water, just as he'd remembered it. He held her tightly, pulling her against him to feel her presence once again.

Their muzzles found each other then, their mouths joining in a series of kisses, soft at first then growing with intensity. He kissed her insistently as he pressed against her warmth, their tongues mingling together wildly. His hands groping, they traveled up and down her back, navigating the length of her spine. He found her tail and caressed the base of it underwater, his fingers trailing over her buttocks.

She responded in turn, pressing against him, and he shivered as he felt her touch upon him. He lost himself in her embrace, kissing her deeply, closing his eyes as he melted against her presence. It wasn't until she slowly eased off on the kisses, that he realized the depths of his feelings. She'd planted one last gentle touch of her lips on his to pull away slightly and look upon him. As he gazed upon her, looking into the liquid depths of her eyes, he felt his vision blurring.

She saw his tears and a warm and comforting smile flowed across her muzzle. "It feels so nice being with you again out here tonight" she said softly. "The water feels so good, as do you... Thank you for coming back here to visit our special place after all this time."

"Oh Alice, I've missed you so much" he whispered, feeling his eyes beginning to sting once again.

Her face showed her concern and holding him, she moved to lick away a salty tear as it flowed down his cheek. "I know, Jeff... I know," she replied. Pausing, her eyes brimming with emotion, she looked at him, then continued. "We don't need to talk now... let's just share our time together."

It was then, holding onto him tightly, that she noticed the fullness of his excitement. Gently rubbing against his erection, she reminded him of his rekindled arousal, sending a shiver of pleasure and anticipation through him. Smiling broadly, she motioned to the shore, her eyes sparkling with expectation. He followed her lead, walking slowly through the water with her towards the bank of the river, feeling her tail curling around him softly.

When they reached the shore, they fell to the soft grassy earth of the river bank. Their legs still halfway in the water, they lay there together silently, just as they'd done on that night so long ago. Running his hands through the old familiar expanses of her lush brown fur he sighed deeply. He felt her fingers playing with the lighter gray hairs of his mouse fur as she explored his body, sending sparks of excitement dancing along his skin. It was just as he'd remembered it, after being away for so long, it felt like coming home.

The emotions boiling up within him, he held her close, his hands grasping at her desperately. She responded in turn, her mouth finding his once again. Kissing her hotly, his tongue met hers, burning the sparks of desire brighter. He felt her pressing down on top of him as he lay there on his back, and her heat was closer than ever.

His hands migrated down her body and soon they came to rest once again near the base of her tail. The sense of urgency building within him, he grasped her buttocks and pulled her towards him insistently. She looked down upon him, her eyes aglow with desire and followed his motions. With a needful push they came together, bridging the last gap between them. His voice hushed, he moaned softly to the night as he felt her surround him. Her own gasp quickly followed, sounding loudly in his ears.

Her warmth was closer now, enveloping him with her presence. Once again he felt her body against him, the grasp of her sex around his manhood, just as in his dreams and memories from long ago. A tremor of sensation ran through him as he held her so close. She licked at the fur of his cheek, and another gasp escaped her open muzzle as he pressed against her, pushing into the warm embrace of her inviting depths.

They tensed, both of them pausing, before continuing their movements. The motion of her hips against his was slow at first, stroking their coupled sexes, plucking on sensitive nerves. He let out a protracted moan as she glided easily against him. His pulse pounding, his loins on fire, his urgency increased. Grabbing at her desperately, his thrusts met hers with increasing force.

She responded eagerly, riding him faster, her own passions growing. He felt her nuzzling at his neck as he held onto her tightly. The hot panting of her breath against his sensitive flesh pushed him on. Shivers of pleasure and an aching need ran through him as he pumped his hips against her. His mind on fire, driven by the longing need of his desire, he felt the tension within him building.

The hotness of his breath matching hers, he pushed onward. The tightness in his belly growing with the burning of his mind, he stroked himself against her sex desperately. Trembling with the sparks of excitement stirring within his loins, he felt his climax readily approaching. He tried to fight it off in vain, trying to delay the inevitable. With everything hanging in the balance, he needed to hold onto the perfect moment he'd reached with her.

His breath tensed, one final, subtle movement sent him over the edge, falling out of the precious balance. The urgency finally having welled up within him, he hooked his legs around her. Pulling her tightly against him, he focused on the power cresting inside his loins. His climax surged forward, waves of pent-up emotions washing over him. His eyes closed, he groaned loudly as the spasms of pleasure rushed through his body, and the warm spurts of his longing passions splashed across his chest.

His desire spent, he fought to hold onto her, but even as his eyes fluttered open he knew that was impossible. His concentration broke, his thoughts were fleeting. She was gone, evaporating with the wisps of dreams into the coolness of the night. The warmth of the afterglow faded with that realization, and a slight shiver ran through him. She was gone, just has she had been for all those years; she'd never be coming back. He was left alone once again, comforted only by the lingering touch of his fingers and those distant memories from long ago.

With his hand still upon his shrinking erection, trying desperately to hold on to the feelings slipping away from him, he spoke softly to the silence of the night. "Alice, why did you have to leave me?" he asked, feeling the tears coming to his eyes once again.

Copyright 1997, Will A. Sanborn -