Random Sexual Encounters (of the Furry Kind...)

Disclaimer: This story is based mostly on the authors over-sexed imagination, (but partly on a couple of events in the authors RL) said author making no claims to logic, reality or any sense of normalcy.  It involves sexual relations between male characters (yes, this time more then 2).  It is intended for the personal enjoyment of adults over the age of majority in their region of residence.  Kids, ask your parents first.

© 2000, Blah, Blah, Blah, Ltd.  Fuck with it and I'll say bad things about you to God, the next time we talk in my head... so just don't ok?  Or ask first, at least?

Questions, comments and shameless begging for sex welcome.

Chapter 3: Furries in The Mist

In the next two weeks I only saw one fur, and it was some little cat-girl in one of my classes at college, but it lasted only a few minutes, and then she left the room. When she came back, she was back to her old human-self again. I wondered which boded more ill for my sanity, seeing them in fleeting glimpses like that, or if I suddenly saw everyone as a fur. Either way, I knew nobody else saw her as a cat-girl, which definitely wasn’t a good sign. But I was actually too busy to really care at that point, worried about end of semester portfolio submissions and such. It wasn’t until my last weekend of the semester, when all the work was done and there was nothing to do but wait for the ax to fall, that I again felt the need to sate my urge for the thrill of a random sexual encounter.

Thinking about trying an adult classified again, I figured by the time I got a decent reply and made arrangements it would be Monday again. So I decided I’d try the local bath house instead. I wondered if my chances of a furry encounter would be less in such a situation where there were often other people around.

After driving to the place, paying my money, getting my towel and locker key, and entering the locker area, my question was soon answered. Standing at the locker right next to where mine was, facing way from me with tail-stub wagging happily, was a slender, sleek-looking anthro-dobie just putting his clothes away. I stopped and stared. The florescent lights gleamed off his smooth, short black fur, highlighting the musculature underneath, making me envious and disappointed in my own human body. The stub of his tail didn’t conceal the pucker beneath it, surrounded by the golden-fur that also ran down his inner thighs, and presumably up his mid-section and across his chest. He glanced my way, and I felt the blood flood my face in a blush as he then looked again when he realized I was checking him out. He smiled, showing canine teeth. I smiled back, trying not to check out his front as blatantly as I had his rear. He watched me as I moved up to the locker beside his, his grin growing wider.

“Heya, wuff,” He said as I began to undress, which made me pause again.

‘Wuff?’ I thought. “Hi,” I said aloud, sounding too nervous to myself.

“Nice night for some warmth and relaxation, eh?”

“Uh, yeah.” Other guys were checking me out as I undressed, but he was real obvious in his inspection... studying me like he wanted to draw me later. Kinda what I had done to him.

“Well, maybe see you later, eh?” He said, as he finally looked away, noticing the glances other guys were giving me. I was under 25 and had an okay body, so it was to be expected.

“Yeah,” I said lamely, thinking ‘Dog, I hope so...’. We smiled at each other once more, before he left towards the showers.

I looked around, and there were no other furs in sight again, just regular human-folks, a half dozen 30-something guys checking me out. Normally any of them would have potential if they offered to take me to a room, but now I had other things - other species - in mind. I finished undressing and made my way to the showers, but the dobie was no where to be seen.

I went wandering by the hot tubs but didn’t see anything, so made my way to the video room. There was a few guys in there, mostly stroking themselves while watching the screen, or while watching a big black guy get his dick swallowed by some too-skinny white dude in the front row. But no furs, no dobie. I sighed to myself and went wandering the halls, past closed rooms filled with the sounds of flesh, subtly looking into rooms with doors ajar, hoping to see him. When I found nothing, I considered just taking one of the many offers I’d gotten since arriving, and just assume the fur was gone, or that I just wasn’t seeing him as a fur anymore. I had one place left to look though, and that’s where I went, trying to ignore my own nagging thoughts about my sanity.

“Well look what we have here.” Said a deep voice as soon as I stepped into the steam room. Blinded momentarily by the steam and the low lighting, I couldn’t see who had spoken.

And then a familiar voice, “Yeah, that’s the wolf I was telling you about.”

I moved toward the voices and when my sight had adjusted I could see my dobie-guy stretched out across most of one top bench, leaning back against a wall. His towel had slipped down from his erection which rose pink and glistening from his crotch. Sitting by his feet, actually under his feet, was a large anthro German shepherd, who would’ve been shaggy had not his thick fur been plastered to his frame by the wetness of the room. The dobie had the toes of one foot pressed around and against the shepherds own erection, while the other foot was held lovingly in the dog’s hands. I presumed that the shepherd had been sucking or licking it until I appeared.

“Well what’s a nice little wolf like him doing alone in a place like this?” The shepherd asked nobody in particular, though he was looking at me.

“I wondered the same thing when I saw him earlier,” said the dobie as he smiled at me again.

I just wondered if they actually saw me as being an anthro-wolf like I saw them as anthro-dogs, and whether they saw themselves as human the way I did. Then when I looked down at myself as I removed my towel, and saw two inches of wolf-cock starting to emerge from a sheath that apparently was attached to me, I realized my insanity was complete. I even saw myself as a fur. I tossed my towel on the bench beneath them, and looked straight at the dobie’s tasty-looking meat. “You need help with that?” I asked. I’d always wanted to say that, in this kind of situation.

He moved his paw against the shepherd cock again, ‘causing a pleasurable growl. “I think we both could use some help,” he grinned at me. I licked my lips.

“Well I guess we know what he’s here for,” said the shepherd.

I don’t know when I got a tail, but I was wagging it happily as I knelt on the lower bench, between the dobies legs. I began to stroke him as I nuzzled my nose under his ballsac, marveling at the depth of scent I had never experienced before. I began to lick with my now much larger tongue, lapping moisture from under the heavy globes of his testicles before progressing up along his inner thighs. My hands has been busy exploring his shaft, discovering the shrunken bulge of his knot still in his sheath.

Meanwhile the shepherd had climbed down behind me, and I raised my tail instinctively when he rubbed his thumb up underneath it to find my hole. Then he knelt down behind me and pushed his snout under my tail as his tongue began to seek where his thumb had been. He began seriously rimming me just as I had decided to take the dobie’s balls into my muzzle for a good cleaning, and we both groaned in unison.

The dobie apparently liked his balls being warm and wet in my mouth, because my hands noticed that his knot had become larger, swelling the confines of his sheath. When the shepherd slipped a finger into my ass, I noticed my own knot becoming uncomfortably snug in my sheath. The shepherd reached under me and popped my sheath back behind my knot as he pulled my cock back between my legs, taking the tip into his muzzle. He began to suckle on me like a puppy at a teat, as he worked a second finger up inside me.

I let the dobies nuts fall from my mouth with a slight gasp, and began to pant happily at the dual sensations. The dobie made a motion towards his unattended cock, and I grinned. I pulled his sheath back, attacking his knot with my mouth and tongue. He growled his appreciation, and began to scritch my head and ears. My cock was released and the fingers removed from my ass, and then the shepherd was leaning across my back to nibble on my ear. I could feel the hardness of his cock pressed along the length of my ass crack, as he whispered, “I’m gonna fuck you now, wuffie... You ready?”

I took my mouth from it’s task again, long enough to pant out, “Dog, yeah!” I returned to the dobie’s cock before me as I felt the shepherd position his at my pucker. I licked lightly over the dobie’s knot, working it and his shaft in my paw-hands as little shots of his precum began to sprinkle down on my muzzle. The shepherds precum added to the slickness of his saliva as he began to nudge slowly at my anus. Then feeling we were ready, he pressed forward steadily, his thick cock wedging open my ass, stretching me wide. I groaned, gritting my teeth, my eyes closed, the dobie’s cock forgotten momentarily. The shepherd was bigger than I had expected, with enough girth to just stretch me to the point of pain, but he did not stop at my growl either. He kept sliding it in, seemingly incredibly slow, until his own bulging knot rested against the edge of my stretched hole. He stooped and waited.

I opened my eyes, as the dobie took my hand in his, and brought it to his mouth. It was soaked with his precum, and he licked at the palm as he lifted one leg to rest on my shoulder. He looked down at me, panting, breathless. He let go of my hand, “Finger my ass while you blow me, wuffie... I won’t last long now...” he said. With that, he lifted his other leg up, trapping my head between his thighs with his dog-dick inches from my muzzle spraying it with little shots of precum.

I wrapped my mouth around his cock, as my slick fingers sought out his tailhole. Sliding them in with relative ease, the dobie moaned thrusting his hips and pushing his cock farther into my muzzle. I moaned around his cock, as the shepherd decided at that moment to start moving within me. I closed my eyes again, focusing on pleasuring the dobie, sucking and lapping at his shaft. The shepherd thrusted in a steady rythym which I mimiced with my fingers in the dobie’s tight hole.

“Ah, gods, yes! Lick my toes!” I heard the dobie exclaim, figuring that’s exactly what the shepherd was doing. Then the dobie grabed my head, holding me in place with his length halfway into my muzzle. I lapped it with my tongue, feeling the dogs sphincter begin to clench at my fingers. With a yelp he came, his cock spurted a mouthful of spunk over my tongue, which I quickly swallowed before the next successive spurts which followed. “Ah, yeah, drink me!”

His climaxed passed quickly, as the spurts ebbed into a steady flow of sweeter fluid, and my attention shifted to the cock pumping in my ass as well as to my own neglected member. The shepherds movements slowed down quite a bit, as if he was trying to prevent himself from coming too soon. I opened my eyes, to see the dobie smiling down at me and looking visibly sated despite the quantity of fluid I was still swallowing. He motioned for me to release his cock, as the shepherd leaned over me once again, “Time to get you off now, puppy.”

I let the dobies cock slip from my mouth, and my fingers from his ass. The shepherd pulled me up against him, so we were both standing his cock still rock hard and moving ever so slightly inside of me. One of his arm wrapped around under my arms, hugging me to his chest as he pulled almost all the way out before slamming back in. I grunted, but there was no pain. I grinned inanely as he wiggled himself around inside my ass. My own cock stood out rigid and dripping in front of me. “You like that, wuffie?” He murmured in my ear, his own smile obvious in his voice.

“Dog, yesss...” I moaned as he pulled out and slammed back in again, feeling his swollen knot mash against my ass. Then he started to pump faster once again, and I closed my eyes once more, lost in the feeling of his more-than-adequate cock prodding against my prostate with every thrust. He began nibbling and licking my neck as his pace increased even more. I could feel my orgasm impending, but couldn’t reach my self to help out. I panted and groaned as the feelings built, my anus beginning to pleasantly burn.

Suddenly, my cock was enveloped in warmth, as an expert tongue worked it’s way along my shaft, focusing just behind my glans. My eyes opened for just a second to see the dobie’s smiling eyes looking up at me before his hand clutched behind my knot, sending me over. I made some wildly incoherent sound deep in my throat as my orgasm ripped through me, and my seed flooded into the dog’s mouth and throat.

When reality came back into focus, the shepherd was still pounding my ass, and the dobie still nursed on my cock. It was maybe 30 seconds more before the dog behind me clutched me harder onto him, and bit down on my neck as I feel his member pulse inside. His grunts and growls last a few seconds after his last few shuttering thrusts, and then he relaxes against me, and I find myself holding him up as the dobie braces me.

A minute or so later, the shepherd pulls himself out of my ass with an audible sound, and guides me over to flop onto the benches. The dobie crawls up beside us, and I find my self sandwiched between them in a group cuddle.

“I’m Mike,” said the dobie, “And that’s Derek.” He gestures with his nose towards the shepherd panting in my ear, chin resting on my shoulder.

“I’m Ralph... Nice to meet you.” I mumbled. We lay there for a long while, ‘basking in the after glow’, as they say, and the warmth of the steam. My mind was busy trying to figure out what exactly was wrong with it, and how this was going to alter the rest of my existence on this planet. Finally, we found the motivation to move, and parted ways back in the showers. I regretted our fond farewell until I found a note from Mike, slipped into my locker:

“Love to *meat* you under less random circumstances sometime, wuffie! Give me a call! Licks, Mike!”

And his phone number. I wondered briefly if I‘d call, but knew I would eventually. Already, I was no longer seeing myself as a fur, and I had to many questions unanswered not to try and get answers from somewhere. And at the very least, I’d love to get some more meat from him anyway. I left the baths whistling and smiling.

All content on this page is © 2001 WolfeByte/Gary C. Jensen. All rights reserved. Join my mailing list for sketches, stories and first option to buy on new original artwork and commissions, The Wolfe List!