Angel Wings for Demon Hearts

Kristen Cudd


Chapter 1


            “Kyna, come back, please! They’re going to find you and kill you if you don’t!”

            “I’m not going back to that place until I find out what happened to our sister,” Kyna hissed from where she lay amid the undergrowth of the forest. Her fidgeting brother Kerwin was crouched down beside her.

            “But, I don’t want you to leave me!”

            “Shut up or you’re going to get us caught,” she spat while clamping a paw over Kerwin’s mouth. Kyna tried to listen as well as she could...

            There. To their left were the sounds of heavy footsteps carefully treading the foliage. Kyna felt the fur on her back rise as she realized that the guard was only fifteen feet away. They stopped for a few moments. Kyna looked at her brother and removed the paw from his face. She pointed to the right and motioned with her fingers. 1... 2... Kerwin coughed.

            A stream of fire immediately blasted their way, but Kerwin was ready with a wall of water.

            “It’s only me! Watch it, will you?” Kerwin called out from behind the water.

            Kyna was thankful that her brother’s elemental happened to be the exact opposite of the guard’s, as the steam made an excellent cover for her to escape through. The guard had stopped his onslaught though, which meant she didn’t have very long to escape.

            “What’s ya’ name?” called out the guard, who was still hidden under the steam.

            “Kerwin, sir, son of Cadman and loyal to the Blak Kat Klan as my father was before me.”

            “Kerwin, ya’ annoying worm! Can’ you find somewhere else ta play games than where we’ve been searching fer ya’ sister?”

            Kyna sighed in relief. The guard was her cousin, Sheridon. He wouldn’t help her, but he was thick enough to believe any story her swindler of a brother told him. Kerwin was safe, now she needed to take care of herself.

            “By the way, Kerwin, I could use some help if it’s not too much trouble. Yer sister’s still a’missing, but I did track down another dame the boss’ been lookin for. She’s not heavy, but I’ve been havin’ trouble keeping her in me cart.”

            Kyna stopped in her tracks.

            “Who?” Kerwin asked with bated breath. Kyna too, held hers as hope and fear flooded her thoughts. If it were their sister...

            “Top secret. Can’t tell ya,” Sheridon stated with a smirk. “But I think you might like to find out...”

            Kyna saw Kerwin’s eyes dart in her direction as he said loudly, “I would but I really need to find my... glasses. I lost them around here somewhere... Think you could give me a hand?”

            “But what about the girl?”

            “You tied her up, didn’t you?”


            “So what are you worried about? Now come over here and help me find them! I haven’t got all day!”

            Kyna chuckled as she snuck off to where the path slithered through the forest. Her little brother was a genius and her cousin a dimwit. Kerwin didn’t WEAR glasses. Kyna found the road easily enough and the cart was only about twenty feet down from where she stood. A woman lay tied up on the ground next to it, the cords giving her a good struggle. Kyna glanced both ways to make sure the path was clear before rushing to the woman’s side.

            One glance told Kyna that she had never seen this woman before in her life. Not only was the woman not a member of the Blak Kat Klan, she wasn’t even a cat. The bound woman was a light brown mouse with coffee hair, and young too. Kyna guessed that the girl couldn’t have been more than twenty years of age. Though time was against her and the stranger would certainly slow her down, Kyna couldn’t help but pity the woman and want to free her. Kyna knew all to well what it was like to be trapped and have no escape.

            “I’m going to free you. You then have two options: come with me or find your own way out. I leave it to you. But don’t make any noise or we’ll both be in trouble,” Kyna explained as she pulled out a knife and started cutting the woman’s bonds. The seemingly paralyzed mouse looked up at her fearfully until Kyna put the knife away.

            “Thank you. Lead the way,” the woman stated once she found her voice again. “By the way, my name is Pix. What’s yours?”

            Kyna gave her a weird glance. “We of the Blak Kat Klan are taught not to give our names to strangers. It is a sign of weakness to have your name widely known by your enemies.” Pix seemed a bit put off. “Let’s go, and keep quiet,” Kyna stated to break the moment and get things moving again. “Off the road. It’s not used frequently but many are out searching now.”

            “For you?” Pix asked as they crawled through the underbrush.

            “Didn’t I tell you not to speak?”

            Kyna led the way through the trees, only speaking to give directions. They were approaching a wide path devoid of growth. About five meters away, Kyna stopped and beaconed Pix towards her.

            “Now listen carefully,” Kyna spoke in a voice barely audible. “The Klan’s territory ends with those trees, but they will still have many guards out patrolling it. There’s no cover out there for us to sneak through... which means we’ll have to run. If we both make it through, great. If not, don’t expect me to risk my neck for yours a second time. Got it?”

            “I understand, but...” Pix started to say before Kyna cut her off.

            “No ‘buts’. Now go!”

            “Wait!” Pix cried, but to no avail. Kyna had already set off across the clearing. Groaning, Pix watched as two guards closed in on Kyna and wrestled her to the ground. Pix then pulled out a small roughly-hewn flute and played a quick tune. She watched a muscular white cat drop to the ground from the lower branches of an oak tree across the path.

            “Over here, Levi!” Pix called, stepping out into the clearing and waving to the white cat.

            The two guards that were working on holding Kyna still enough to bind her now stopped what they were doing to examine the two newcomers. Kyna took advantage of the distraction to knee one of them in a less than pleasant place while the other guard ran after Levi. Levi neatly knocked the guard coming towards him unconscious and turned to see that the second guard was lying neatly tied up at Kyna’s feet.

            “She’s on our side for now, I think. We can talk later, just get us out of here before anyone else shows up,” Pix hurriedly explained to Levi while running towards him. “Come on!” Pix yelled at Kyna while grabbing Kyna’s arm and dragging her along.

            “Why should I follow you?” Kyna tried to ask, still clinging to her need for independence. But at a loss for any better ideas, she followed them anyway into the woods beyond the boundaries of her land. She tried to keep track of where Pix and Levi were leading her, but it was too hard. Kyna had never been in this branch of the Danior Forest before. They kept on at a steady pace for about thirty minutes before Levi finally stopped them and pulled out a flute identical to Pix’s and played an odd tune. A rope ladder was lowered from above, and Levi sent Pix up without hesitation. Levi grabbed the ladder next, but only to hand it to Kyna.

            “Go first,” Levi stated. “If anyone followed us, I will have a better chance of fighting them off.”

            “I’m quite capable of fighting myself, thank you.”

            Levi rolled his eyes before gazing in the direction they came. Kyna followed his gaze only to find herself being picked up and tossed over Levi’s shoulder.

            “Exactly what do you think you’re doing?” Kyna spat at Levi.

            “I’m not letting you go back to your little friends and tell them where we live,” Levi responded as he climbed up the rope ladder with a struggling Kyna pounding his back.

            “I don’t want to go back to them; I just want to be left alone by everything and everyone so I can go find my sister!”

            “What happened to your sister?” Levi asked, pausing to slide Kyna onto the ladder so he could get a good look at her.

            Kyna glared at Levi for a moment while straightening herself out and moving to the other side of the rope so that she was no longer in his grasp. “I don’t know. She didn’t come home from the spring festival. It’s the last time I saw her.”

            “Didn’t your crazy cult send out a search party?”

            “That’s just it. No one was willing to search for her. Which is why I’ll be leaving now, if you don’t mind...” Kyna abruptly slid down the ladder, but only to grab onto the last rung to prevent herself from falling forty feet. “Umm... I take it someone’s been pulling the ladder up all this time...” Kyna stated weakly as she tried to clamber back onto the ladder.

            “They always do to prevent people from climbing onto it after the last one up. Here,” Levi offered Kyna his hand and pulled her back up to safety,” we’ll probably let you go once we’re done questioning you. We just have too much at stake to risk releasing you now. Just trust me,” Levi asked, suddenly warm and gentle.

            Kyna never noticed how handsome and strong Levi was earlier. How could she ever have thought of running away from him? She looked into Levi’s baby blue eyes and nodded numbly.

            “Good, now follow me and don’t try to run away again.”

            Kyna didn’t have any trouble with his request. Her stomach was suddenly full of butterflies and her heart pounding much faster than it usually did. Only when she reached the platform the ladder had hung through did her bubble of euphoria pop. Waiting for her to get up was Pix. Before Kyna had a chance to wonder where Levi had gone, a small dart entered her side and darkness overtook her.

            Night had just fallen when Kyna finally came to. She was lying down on a straw mattress in a room of some height in the trees judging by the gentle swaying of the home with the wind. A lantern hanging from the ceiling was the only source of light besides the moon and stars outside. A white cat with wings gazed at her with contempt. “Who are you?” Kyna asked.

            “Call me Shadow. My name I will not give you until you have given me yours. Nor will you have any chance of being freed until you have done so.”

            Kyna started to get up when she realized that she was, indeed, bound. “Why? Can’t you just knock me out again and leave me where you found me? I’d be happy with that.”

            “In the captivity of the Blak Kat Klan, you mean?” Shadow snarled with a wicked grin.

            “Point...” Kyna groaned.

            “Now what is your name?”

            Kyna hesitated before spitting it out, “Kyna.”

            “Say it again, slowly.”

            “What, you need me to spell it out for you?” Kyna snapped at Shadow.

            “Possibly,” Shadow smirked.

            “Where’s the other white cat and Pix?”

            “Levi, you mean?”

            “Yes,” Kyna answered with a blush. She immediately regretted asking, Shadow was now examining her intensely. Kyna only blushed further and looked away.

            “Don’t tell me you like him, do you?” Shadow asked, noticing her composure. Kyna glanced up in fear, but Shadow seemed more amused than anything else. “What would the world come to if one poor lady or another didn’t fall for his looks and charm... Forgive my manners; I would’ve been much kinder had I known the spell you were under. Though it is the first time one of your kind has fallen for him... but I suppose even young women of your kind are not invulnerable to his talents. Interesting.”

            To this Kyna stuttered repeatedly her denials of being attracted to Levi, all the while further entertaining Shadow with her ever-increasing blush.

            “It’s okay! Trust me; we’re quite used to having young female visitors under Levi’s charms. Your lover-boy is just a hut over with the rest of our family and Pix. Here, I’ll take you. And please forgive my rudeness, once again. A woman in your situation is to be most pitied,” Shadow pointed out with a friendly air.

            Shadow waved a hand carelessly in Kyna’s direction, and her bonds came off. Shaken, Kyna rose to her feet and brushed the clinging hay off her before following Shadow out the door. A wooden walkway led from her previous room to two other huts in an equilateral triangle. In the center of the triangle was the platform Kyna had climbed onto earlier that day. To her amazement, she realized that a thick web of rope was strung across not just the area below the three huts and platform, but also from the three walkways to a point directly above the platform where a guard station seemed to be placed. The only way in or out seemed to be that small platform.

            “Do you like my design?” Shadow asked after noting her attention to it.

            “Hmm? Oh, it’s definitely... interesting. I take it you’re not very friendly with the neighbors.”

            Shadow chuckled softly. “No, we’re not exactly the trusting type. The pyramid of knotted rope was built to protect our children from strangers. Though it is not our only defense, it makes the women more easy. Besides, I had fun making it. Do you see the mother and her litter playing over there?”

            Kyna found the particular rope work he was referring to and chuckled in pleasure. “You really did all this?”

            “Yes, I was always gifted with knotting ropes from the day I turned seven.”

            “You said the people here didn’t trust strangers... But Pix seemed to trust me,” Kyna stated.

            “Well according to her, you saved her life. That’s usually a pretty good reason to trust someone.”

            Kyna nodded thoughtfully. She was brought back to reality at the sight of Levi emerging from the hut to meet them. Shadow greeted Levi with a brotherly embrace.

            “So how’s our lovely prisoner doing?” Levi asked the two of them.

            Shadow answered for her, “She seems to be a bit shaky, but I think she’ll be fine. At any rate, she doesn’t seem to be in any mood to give us trouble.”

            “Well good, let’s bring her in. The women are waiting.”

            “And Laban?”

            “I sent him to bed early. There’s no reason for him to be there for the meeting.”

            “I suppose not,” Shadow conceded. Upon seeing that neither Levi nor Kyna were moving, he continued, “Now come on, Levi. Be a gentleman to our said prisoner and escort her into the hut.”

            “Of course! Forgive me my poor manners, my lady,” Levi apologized as he put an arm around her and walked with her to the door. Kyna flinched by reflex, but realizing that backing away was probably not the best means to obtaining her interest, allowed him to direct her.

            The room Kyna entered was very obviously a dining hall. A long table and corresponding set of chairs were its main furniture, though a hammock was tied up in one corner next to a bookshelf. There Kyna saw a beautiful adult feline staring at Kyna with unsheltered bitterness. Realizing the feline was likely Levi’s significant other and feeling extremely odd, Kyna began squirming in Levi’s arm to get out without being too rude.

            “Don’t run away. We won’t hurt you,” Levi assured her, confused but not loosening his grip by any means. “Sis, could you come over here and help calm her?” Kyna stopped immediately as she saw the white cat rise and glide over to her.

            “Hi, my name is Sevati. Would you mind talking to us a little while?” she purred in a voice as smooth as honey.

            Kyna just stared at her, too much in shock to speak. Where went all the expression of hatred from a moment before? She was very thankful that this woman was Levi’s sister, however. Kyna half wondered if Sevati was born of the gods for her seeming flawlessness and beauty. Sevati moved closer to take Kyna’s arm, but Kyna immediately hid her face in Levi’s side without thinking. On reflection, Kyna was quite glad she did. She could feel Levi’s sculpted body pressed against her, and for a moment, Kyna completely forgot where she was.

            “The poor thing’s frightened to death, but she’ll probably feel better after dinner,” Sevati commented.

            Levi had a bit of trouble removing Kyna from himself so he could pull out her chair for her, but his place was next to hers at the table so she wouldn’t feel too uncomfortable. Sevati returned to her seat with Shadow beside her. Before long, Pix entered the room with a large bowl full of steaming vegetables and joined them at the table. Pix gave a blessing over the food, and passed out smaller bowls for them to help themselves with.

            “Pix is obstinate about blessing the food. She thinks it will bring us good health and fortune... or something of the like. Don’t mind her beliefs though. She’ll quietly encourage them, no doubt, but her nature prohibits her being too open about them,” Levi whispered in Kyna’s ear as the others were eating.

            Kyna nodded and examined her bowl with curiosity. “Are you all vegetarians?” she finally asked.

            Levi nearly choked on his meal, but coughed it off and replied with some amusement, “Actually, my siblings and I all enjoy meat very much... But poor Pix was so disturbed upon our bringing in her distant, crawling relations that we’ve stopped eating them in her presence.”

            Kyna’s eyes widened, having never thought of the awkwardness that must accompany carnivores and herbivores eating together. She began to realize that there were likely many things of which she was naive too, having lived entirely in a society of cats.

            They finished dinner in silence as the night sky grew deeper outside. Pix gathered the dishes and left the room as Shadow stood.

            “Cover her eyes, Levi,” Shadow commanded.

            Levi nodded and scooted closer to Kyna. As he rested his hands over her eyes, he whispered assurances in her ears. Kyna could hear strange noises over Levi’s soft voice though, and couldn’t help fidgeting a little in her spot as she felt a breeze brush across her feet. However, Levi held her firmly back the entire time. When the strange noises finally stopped, Levi leaned over and kissed Kyna’s cheek before removing his hands.

            “Will you speak to us now?” he asked.

            Kyna opened her eyes slowly and saw that the dining table had been replaced by five small night tables next to each chair. Pix soon entered with a tray of mugs that were passed around, showing not the least bit of surprise to the rearrangement. Everyone was waiting on her with no regard to what had just happened.

            “He’s one of them; isn’t he?” Kyna finally asked, gesturing to Shadow with a mixture of fear and awe.

            “One of what?” Sevati asked, surprised at the question.

            “I don’t know what they’re called... But he has the wings, just like the others... And they’re gifted with several areas, not just one element.”

            “We are, but there’s not many of us left. Have you seen one of my kind before?” Shadow asked. A trace of desperation was in his voice.

            “I have. Our... my former leader is one,” Kyna seemed to hesitate on this point. “I don’t want to belong there anymore.”

            “We won’t make you go back, darling,” Sevati assured. “But we can save that topic for later. We’d like to hear more about your leader, if you don’t mind.”

            Kyna frowned for a moment, knowing that by betraying the Blak Kat Klan’s secrets, she would be crossing the point of no return. Survival rules were to never say more than you had to, especially to those you were unfamiliar with. Yet suddenly talking seemed fun. These were her new friends; Kyna didn’t have to keep anything from them. “I don’t know his name. We were taught to call him Lord. He claimed that no other name would suffice. He also claimed that we were all his descendants, and owed everything to him. Each of his offspring that carried the trait was made leaders of a village. There are five total. We have... customs, and festivals in honor of them around the year, but I would rather not speak of them.” Then Kyna fell silent, with shame and sorrow masking her face. She didn’t want to tell her new friends of the things she saw and did.

            “Do you know any of their names?” Levi asked.

            Kyna furrowed her eyebrows as she answered, “One, but I’ve forgotten it. The fifth and youngest I would recognize if I heard it repeated. The others were unknown to me, they lorded other villages. And naturally, the Lord’s name was known to none except perhaps his sons.”

            “How were you acquainted with the youngest?” 

            “My sister. The youngest was my sister’s age, a couple years older than me. He was really nice though. I think he may have fancied my sister, but he wasn’t like the others. He wouldn’t do what they did.”

            “What did the others do?”

            “They would pick wives out from the prettiest and strongest women. Not all of the women were willing, but the men didn’t care. You just wouldn’t hear from those women again, while the other concubines would walk around proudly in the arms of their lovers before disappearing too.”

            “Didn’t you say your sister was missing?” Levi asked, leaning over to look into her eyes.

            “He wouldn’t do that to her. He would have given her a choice,” Kyna spat out fiercely.

            Levi was shocked to see tears forming in her eyes. He looked to Sevati to see if he should continue, but she shook her head.

            “Lady, perhaps you could assist us in a different matter. Would you have any idea why your tribe wants Pix so badly?” Sevati asked gently.

            Kyna shook her head. “I never knew anything of her before I saw her on the road today.”

            Sevati seemed disappointed and withdrew into her own thoughts.

            Shadow had been gazing at Kyna for some time now and chose to open his mouth during this silence, “What are your plans after this? I mean, now that you’ve left home and betrayed the only people whom you know?”

            “I don’t know. Even without the tattoo, my fur’s color declares that I am to be shunned and rejected in any respectable society. I would like to find my sister if at all possible, however. I just don’t know how.”

            “Would you be willing to assist Pix further in the meantime?”

            Both Levi and Sevati were forced to suppress a quick gasp. Pix looked quite embarrassed, but did meet Kyna’s eyes with hope of something Kyna couldn’t even imagine.

            “What assistance does Pix require?” Kyna asked.

            “Pix?” Shadow offered.

            “No, you tell her please,” Pix replied.

            Shadow began, “Pix is the mother of two children. Her husband left with the first, a son, shortly after the second was conceived and with the intentions of returning for the second’s birth. The second, a daughter, was born into this world without her father’s presence. Just a few days ago, when her daughter turned one, several creatures came during the night and took her baby girl away.” Shadow sighed at this point, for Pix was silently weeping bitterly. Sevati rose and began to wipe Pix tears away with part of her skirt. “Her husband was my best friend for many years, and I know he would never let her down unless something extremely terrible occurred to prevent his return. I need to remain here to protect my own family and this side of the woods, but Pix wants to search for her husband and children. She can’t do it alone; you saw where that landed her. Could you go with her at least to the town? We have friends there that could bring her the rest of the way if you still wish to continue your own mission.”

            “Could she vouch for my good character so that I’m not arrested upon entering it?” Kyna asked.

            “You may be arrested, but the town authorities there have a great respect for Pix. She’ll make sure you’re freed again before she leaves. And that town will either leave you alone as long as you remain there or simply ask you to leave it again. There would be no permanent damage.”

            Kyna nodded. “I will bring her to the town, but I need to find my sister after that.”

            “Then you two should leave tomorrow at daybreak. By foot it usually takes two full days to reach the town. My brother and I will arrange whatever food and tools you may require during that time and leave the packs by your door. I wish you a safe journey and good night.” Shadow bowed his head and left the room. Sevati drank the last of her mug and followed her brother out, wishing both girls sweet dreams on her way.

            “I’ll be awake in the morning to see you off,” Sevati added before finally exiting.

            “You can stay in my room. Levi, would you be so kind as to move the hammock for us?” Pix asked with a barely composed face. Tears were still glistening on her cheeks. Levi nodded and removed the hammock. Both followed Pix into the second room of the hut, where a large mattress was suspended two feet above the ground from thick wooden beams in the thatched ceiling. Two small lanterns hung from the ceiling on opposite sides of the room. An empty cradle was in the corner closest to the dining hall. Levi tied the hammock to the corner furthest from the entrance.

            “Try it,” he suggested to Kyna.

            Kyna climbed on it and adjusted herself. “Thank you,” she said to Levi.

            “Sorry that it’s not the best in the world, but we’re not quite used to taking strangers in.”

            “No, it’s fine. I’ve always slept in hammocks; though I am used to having a pillow and blanket...”

            “Your wish is my command,” Levi stated as he opened a cabinet, removed a pillow from it, and handed it to Kyna. She repositioned herself to allow for it when she saw a sheet billowing over her. When it finally settled, she saw Levi grinning over her, holding onto two ends of the sheet. He tucked her in and kissed her on the cheek again. “Good night, my lady.”

            “Good night,” Kyna replied, barely able to keep from grinning like an idiot back at him. His eyes really were a peculiar shade of blue, but she’d have to wait till tomorrow to decide exactly how she would describe them. Sleep was falling upon her like an enchantment.