The Sword
Author: Nate Fichthorn
"The Sword" is a nice, simple, fairytale about the discovery of a magic sword made to defeat an evil wizard. Unfortunately, it's discovered by the wrong person, and just slightly late. Part 1 - In Which We Meet Our Hero, and He Acquires Some Treasure

Part 2 - In Which Our Hero Converses With A Sword

Part 3 - In Which Our Hero Searches for Some History

Part 4 - In Which We are Treated to a History Lecture

Part 5 - In Which Various Characters React to the History Lecture

Part 6 - In Which Our Hero Attempts to Rid Himself of an Annoyance and Comes Up With a Plan

Part 7 - In Which Our Hero's Plan Comes to Fruition

The Sword All on one page, for ease of printing

"The Sword" is (c) Nate Fichthorn, 2001. Reprinted by permission, all other rights reserved to the orignal author.