Cast and Characters
Boingy! Story Script
Forsyth and the Frisbee of Doom
The Introduction
The Lady
The Crayon is Mightier than the Spell
The Sword
Breaking and Entering
Forsyth: The star of our little series, Forsyth is a ferret and a thief. He took up the family trade, learned it from his mother, who had been an adventurer. (Not to worry, she, and the rest of his family, will show up later.) Despite being the smallest in his family (only 3' tall), and having two older sisters, he seems to have turned out surprisingly well adjusted. Okay, so he runs around on rooftops and breaks into the houses of people who'd kill him for kicks, but he doesn't do it wearing brightly colored spandex.
The best physical description I've done of Fors is probably here If I make a better one, it will be here, and there. If it takes too long to load, just search for Forsyth. Lots of people have pics in their sigs there. Oh, and ignore the hair in the pic over there, that's the screenshot from Furc, his hair's not quite like that. Though that funky curl thing has grown on me.
Forsyth appears in, well, every story. As he narrates them.

Erin: Forsyth's partner in crime, Erin is, also, a ferret and a thief. Forsyth met her when they were both trying to break into the same noble's little gallery. They hit it off and made quite a tidy profit on that, so have ended up working together a number of times. Their personalities are similar enough that they've also in this time become good friends.
Erin appears in: The Introduction

Luck: The Fickle Lady. Chance. Dame Fortuna. The goddess of Luck. One of a number of deities who has shown an interest in or crossed paths with Forsyth. One would think that she and Forsyth would get along well, but you'd be surprised. She, like most deities, looks at people as something to use, or pawns for her games. Forsyth is his own pawn. She seemed to know Forsyth rather well when they first met, strangely.
Lady Luck appears in: The Lady

Brightbringer: An intelligent, magical sword, it was created to defeat an evil sorceror lord. Unfortunately, one way or another, it was locked away for thousands of years. Until Forsyth, exploring a ruined tower, found the sword, which still thought it was an agent of destiny. The modern world came as rather a shock to Brightbringer, as did Forsyth, who had no interest in being a Hero. In the end, Forsyth gave Brightbringer to an orphan girl, rather than drop it down a well. Presumably, both have gone off to become Heroes of Destiny.
Brightbringer appears in: The Sword and The So-Far Untitled Thing

Julia: Orignially, an orphaned waif, she decided to become a heroine when Forsyth presented her with Brightbringer. Mainly to get rid of the sword. After narrowly escaping from being used as a puppet "destined ruler," she and Brightbringer went off North, to try their hand at Barbarian Heroing. And write treatsies on theoretical mathematics.
Julia appears in: The Sword (only right at the end), and The So-Far Untitled Thing

More to come soon. And updates when I put up new stories.

All characters and stories are (c) Nate Fichthorn, 2000-2003. Reprinted by permission, all other rights reserved to the orignal author.